Plans have been lodged to build 330 homes in Whitlawburn as part of a £42 million housing-led regeneration project. CCG (Scotland) Ltd, the construction and manufacturing group appointed to build the new homes, has submitted a planning application in partnership with hub South West for 330 mix
Persimmon Homes West Scotland is to invest £60 million to bring forward a development of almost 250 homes in Renfrewshire. The announcement comes after the housebuilder successfully finalised a 27-acre land deal with the owners of Erskine Bridge Hotel.
Inverclyde Council has launched a new scheme to guarantee the deposit on a privately rented property for homeless people, people at risk of becoming homeless and people on low incomes. The £30,000 Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS) enables the council to guarantee to pay the deposit on a privately
The body which represents officials running planning authorities across the country has warned that the scale of new responsibilities to be introduced in the Planning (Scotland) Bill could break the back of an already under-resourced system. Proposed new duties introduced at stage 2 of the Parliamen
A dispute about a demolished housing development in Midlothian has shown how a claim against consultants can be time barred before it is even known that there is a claim to be pursued. Is it time to change the law? The Scottish Government already has. It has passed the Prescription (Scotland) Act 20
Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN) has welcomed new the recent addition of new members Elderpark Housing Association, Shetland Islands Council and the return of Clackmannanshire Council. The Network now has 127 members representing, for the first in its history, all 32 local authorities and 95 h
Nine Scottish SMEs have been awarded a place on Scotland Excel’s new Energy Advice Framework for services that will help citizens across the country who live in fuel poverty. This is the first time a national, public sector contract has been put in place for the delivery of face-to-face energy
Trust Housing Association has partnered with national walking charity Living Streets Scotland and North Lanarkshire Council to open a new path, gate and lighting at its Airdrie development. The improvements were made after tenants said they found it impossible to make every day journeys on foot.
A new consultation has been launched which aims to determine a timetable for ambitious energy efficiency targets for Scotland. These targets and the legislation introduced will ensure improvements to properties, wider economic benefits and the creation of jobs.
The Scottish Government is still inviting responses to its homelessness legislation consultation. A consultation paper is inviting views on implementing the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) recommendation to narrow the definition of intentionality to focus on &lsq
As the Scottish Government launches a consultation on homelessness legislation, housing minister Kevin Stewart MSP issues a call for views from people with experience of homelessness, those working in local authorities and the wider homelessness and housing sector. Everyone should have a secure warm
South Lanarkshire Council demonstrates strong leadership, has a good approach to the way it manages its finances and has delivered improvements to many services, the local authority watchdog has said. The Accounts Commission has now called on the council to ensure that service redesign is driven by
Debbie King looks back on Shelter Scotland’s #HomeTruths debate last month.
CIH Scotland has called on the Scottish Government to introduce new legislation to allow social landlords to remove domestic abusers from a domestic setting in a protection situation. In its response to a government consultation on emergency barring orders (EBOs), CIH recommended that if someone is
Home Group has secured a £350 million bond issue to fund the development of new homes. Priced at an effective fixed rate of 3.24%, the 24-year bond is one of the lowest overall rates achieved in recent comparable housing association transactions.