East Lothian Council has approved plans for 1,500 new homes as part of a new development in Musselburgh. Planning permission in principle was granted yesterday for the mixed-use development at Old Craighall which will also include a primary school, business space, community facilities and public par
The third annual report of an independent study of the homelessness impacts of recent economic and policy developments in Scotland was officially launched yesterday. Funded by Crisis and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Homelessness Monitor: Scotland 2019 is an account of how homelessness stands
A documentary which included claims of poor repair standards by Sanctuary Group was an “inaccurate” reflection of its services, according to the landlord’s chief executive. Craig Moule said the Dispatches documentary titled ‘The New Landlords from Hell’, which aired thi
Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has launched its new grounds maintenance team after deciding to bring the works in-house. The Association, which has extensive areas of land throughout Argyll and Bute located and neighbouring its 5,100 properties, said the move will help deliver its strat
Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) is hosting its first wave regional Pre Tender Workshops to discuss two of its upcoming frameworks. The workshops will bring together local authorities, RSLs and current SPA partners from across the country so SPA can ensure its Whole House Refurbishment and Improv
Homes for Scotland (HFS) has announced the shortlist for its annual home building industry awards as the organisation prepares to celebrate the sector’s achievements. HFS said the entries showcase the high quality work that the industry produces and the innovative practices it engages in
Children from the social housing element of a London residential complex are being blocked from playing at a communal play area used by homebuyers at the same development. Henley Homes got permission to build a 149-home development on the site of the Baylis Old School complex on Lollard Street by pr
Affordable housing developer Swan Group has had planning consent granted for a 35-unit development at Avon House in Cumbernauld Town Centre. Initially divided into one bedroom flats providing bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living space, Avon House was later changed to offices but has been left unuse
In the past year, the sector has seen some organisations struggle to fill Senior Officer Posts and having to have two rounds of recruitment in some cases. Ongoing succession planning is key to the smooth operation of any organisation and an important feature of the SHR Regulatory Framework Review.
Cyrenians’ outreach service, ‘Homeless Navigator Project’, has been selected as an example of good practice for promoting the inclusion of people who are homeless and using alcohol and/or drugs. The East of Scotland-based homelessness charity developed the project to provide tailor
An annual industry survey has once again placed Persimmon among the UK’s worst major housebuilders, but there was better news for Barratt Scotland, Mactaggart & Mickel and Miller Homes. The nationwide survey from by the Home Builders Federation (HBF) awarded Persimmon just three stars out
Cumbernauld’s last two tower blocks are being reduced to rubble, making space for more than 130 new homes. The demolition of Stuart House and Elliot House in Burns Road by high-reach excavator marks the end of more than 50 years of high-rise living in the town.
Blackwood has been praised by the Scottish Government for its commitment to digital participation and empowerment. The response to CleverCogs – a digitally enhanced care and support system developed by Blackwood – has been overwhelmingly positive, in a report commissioned by the Scottish
Tenants of Queens Cross Housing Association affected by plans for the UK to leave the EU will be reassured at a special drop-in-session to explain the legalities of their post Brexit status. According to latest census figures there are 209,000 EU citizens living in Scotland almost 4% of the total po
Cordale Housing Association opened the doors of its new office in Renton last week to preview the modern, flexible working facilities to the staff, community and key partner organisations ahead of its move next month. The £1.6 million new office is based in the heart of Renton improving reside