Heads of Planning Scotland (HOPS) offers to help the Scottish Government better understand the true costs of delivering planning reform and quality services in communities.
The £250 million regeneration of Sighthill in Glasgow reached another landmark last week when the Sighthill Circle was restored exactly 40 years after the stones were first erected. The Sighthill Circle was first completed at the Spring Equinox of 1979, through the then Glasgow Parks Departmen
Glasgow City Council is to force through a sale of a Govanhill tenement block after its landlords failed to keep the property in an acceptable condition. The Evening Times reports that a compulsory purchase order (CPO) will be issued for seven flats in Westmoreland Street to seize control of the ent
Cloch Housing Association is to cease developing and delivering Care & Repair and the Small Repairs Service for Inverclyde Council, bringing an end to an 18-year partnership. From April 1 the service will be delivered by another organisation after a 42% budget cut from the local authority proved
The leader of Midlothian Council said he is “profoundly disappointed and frustrated” by a Court of Session decision to dismiss a £12 million legal claim against one of two companies advising on a failed Gorebridge housing development. Sixty four council homes on Newbyres Crescent a
Ken Robertson has been appointed chairman of the Abbeyfield Scotland Board from his previous role as vice-chair. A former corporate relations director at Diageo, Ken brings strong strategic leadership skills to the Board, as well as experience in governance and stakeholder engagement.
Scotland’s largest membership organisation for landlords in the private rented sector has asked the UK and Scottish Governments to ensure the housing element of Universal Credit is paid directly to private and social landlords for all Scottish claimants. Giving oral evidence to the social secu
The first residents have moved into new housing complex in Saltcoats following the successful completion of one of the first residential projects by infrastructure group hub South West. Ayrshire locals will occupy 36 new homes in a landscaped courtyard-style setting on the site of the former Canal C
Viewpoint Housing Association has partnered with a local charity and training provider to give its tenants the digital skills they need to enrich their lives through technology. Edinburgh’s Lord Provost will today celebrate the achievements of the 400 members of the city’s older generati
Landlords have branded the Right to Rent scheme a “farce” after a second court ruling which suggests that agents and landlords following Home Office protocol could be exposed to accusations that they have breached human rights. Under the UK Government policy, landlords are responsible fo
The Scottish Government risks missing its child poverty targets by some distance as poverty levels are set to rise rather than fall over the next five years, according to new analysis published today by the Resolution Foundation. The analysis shows that, following large falls in the 2000s, relative
A property repair and maintenance reporting system to help residential tenants and landlords has been launched by Scottish Land & Estates (SLE). Believed to be among the first of its kind for the private rented sector in Scotland, the new app and website provides a 24/7 photo and video reporting
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association has repeated its call for local people in Moray to suggest names for its new social housing development in Elgin, having already received excellent suggestions from the community. The Association is building a development of 44 homes near the site of the old ho
Budding builders of the future have been given a special tour of a GHA new-build site. Youngsters from Bellrock Nursery in Cranhill had a look around the site where new GHA homes are being built.
A major milestone has been marked at Springfield Properties’ new Bertha Park village as the doors to the development’s show homes were opened with help from local councillors, Ian James and Anne Jarvis. The private and affordable housing developer officially unveiled five-bedroom and fou