More tenants than ever are satisfied with the housing services delivered by North Lanarkshire Council. Latest figures from the council’s tenant satisfaction survey show positive results in all areas, including, satisfaction with being kept informed; satisfaction with opportunities for particip
Andy Wightman MSP will today lead a debate calling for information on the ownership, use and value of land to be made more easily, openly and transparently available to the public. The Scottish Greens' land reform spokesperson said the creation of a comprehensive Scottish Land Information System, co
The Property Managers Association Scotland (PMAS) has named managing director of James Gibb residential factors Nic Mayall as its new vice president by unanimous decision. PMAS representative body for professional property factor firms in Scotland.
A “no deal” exit from the EU has potential to cause serious problems for Scotland’s housing sector, housing minister Kevin Stewart has warned.
Fife Council has approved an investment plan which aims to deliver 3,500 new homes by 2022. Fife Housing Partnership’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) for 2019-2022 was recently approved by the council's Community and Housing Services Committee.
A report from Scottish Labour’s Housing Commission has recommended the party scrap and replace Help to Buy with a more targeted scheme to help first time buyers of lower incomes. Labour said the heavily criticised scheme has been handing state support to households on over £100
Sanctuary Group has added its weight to the growing number of social landlords which have announced they will phase out fixed term tenancies, after consulting with residents. The housing association has nearly 9,000 tenants currently on fixed term arrangements and from 1 April 2019, they will be off
Five apprentices of stricken building contractor McGill & Co have been given a second chance after Hillcrest offered them employment and the opportunity to continue their apprenticeships. Painter and decorator Lee Alan, plumbers Andrew Fenwick and Ian Crighton, as well as electricians Lee Branne
A housing model has been created to deliver more affordable housing within the West of Scotland. The model was launched by hub West Scotland at a drop-in event on Friday at The Lighthouse in Glasgow.
Three Ayrshire councils and the UK and Scottish governments have agreed a major investment package that will "change the face of Ayrshire". The £251.5 million Ayrshire Growth Deal was signed and sealed, kick-starting a range of projects across the region.
Every day Shelter Scotland fights for the right to safe, secure and affordable housing and to mark last week’s International Women’s Day, Aoife Deery took the opportunity to reflect on the work of the women, past and present, who have helped to improve housing for other women in Scotland
A report highlighting the difficulties faced by people with mental health conditions accessing social security support has been welcomed as “crucially important” by the Scottish Greens. Money and Mental Health’s The Benefits Assault Course surveyed hundreds of people experiencing m
One of Scotland’s largest construction firms City Building (Glasgow) has launched a flexible working project available to all employees in association with Family Friendly Working Scotland (FFWS). FFWS, which is supported by the Scottish Government, work with employers to promote a flexible an
Local charities, schools, community projects and good causes across Scotland have been given more time to apply for a share of CALA Homes’ £55,000 Community Bursary. The initiative, which launched in Aberdeen in 2016 and the rest of the country in 2017, aims to provide support for a wide
The Scottish Housing Regulator has extend the statutory appointment of a manager at Thistle Housing Association to allow the landlord more time to comply with governance and financial management standards. The Regulator used its statutory powers to appoint a manager and five appointee