A fast-track modern apprenticeship programme to attract people of all ages to pursue a rewarding career in the housebuilding sector will be piloted from today to mark the start of Scotland’s Apprenticeship Week. Housebuilder and offsite construction solutions provider Stewart Milne Group has l
Tenants at a retirement housing development in Dundee have seen their health and wellbeing flourish thanks to regular martial arts classes. A group of tenants at Bield’s Shiell Court have been taking part in Tai Chi sessions in a bid to improve their balance and strength.
Tenancy deposit protection scheme SafeDeposits Scotland has announced a programme of nine new landlord and letting agent educational workshops taking place across the country in April. The workshops will offer two courses; a ‘Basic Workshop’, and a more advanced ‘Making the Case fo
A Highland landlord has been fined £4,000 for operating a house in multiple occupation (HMO) without a licence. Following concerns that several flats within Cruickshank Court in Dingwall were being occupied as unlicensed HMOs, Highland Council’s environmental health team led a joint inve
The 2018 calendar year saw an increase in the average price of a residential property but a decrease in the volume of sales compared with the previous year, according to figures released today by Registers of Scotland. Overall, the market value of Scottish property sales increased in 2018, continuin
Scotland’s largest landlord membership organisation has called on the UK Government to scrap legislation which makes landlords responsible for checking the immigration status of tenants, after the High Court in London ruled the law was in breach of human rights legislation. Under the ‘Ri
Housing co-ops create safer and stronger communities which offer cheaper rents and more power to tenants and action is needed to encourage more of them in Scotland, according to a new report. With 150,000 people on council house waiting lists, Scotland has just 11 registered housing co-ops, com
Queens Cross Housing Association has made it on to the Sunday Times list of the best UK employers. The Glasgow social landlord was named as one of the best employers in the country in the not-for-profit category.
A former top pupil at an iconic Govan school has responded to Elderpark Housing’s appeal for help. Elderpark asked its community to share its memories of the Hills Trust School which is to become new offices for the Association.
Work is now underway on Phase 4 of Berwickshire Housing Association’s Todlaw development in Duns which will create another 27 energy efficient and affordable homes. This is the final phase of the Todlaw project which, when completed, will have provided a total of 87 new homes.
Housebuilder Barratt Developments has announced plans to open 16 new sites creating 3,400 new homes across Scotland during the course of 2019. In addition to its home building programme, Barratt will also continue to increase its investment in land, as it looks to acquire and develop up to
Harper Macleod has unveiled it is approaching a landmark £500 million in Scottish housing association funding deals after the law firm announced a series of new investments. Led by partner Derek Hogg and senior associate Collette Miller in February the firm’s housing team advised on and
The Scottish Government has launched a £50 million fund to help boost town centres. The Town Centre Fund, which has been set up in partnership with COSLA, is supporting councils to ensure their high streets are more diverse, sustainable and successful in the face of changing and evolving retai
As ten new Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) homes on the Isle of Lewis near completion, the project’s contractor has made a donation to the local library. Calmax Construction Ltd donated £500 to the Sgoil nan Loch library project as part of HHP’s community benefit requirements.
The number of first-time buyers in Scotland has grown by more than 50% in a decade, according to research. Figures from the Bank of Scotland show there were 34,519 in 2018, compared with 22,100 in 2008.