Taylor Wimpey has “acknowledged concerns” raised by customers regarding the durability of mortar on a development in the Scottish Borders. The housebuilder said it has identified “a robust technical solution” to the problem and will remediate the homes in Peebles “as so
East Renfrewshire Council has agreed funding for the first new council houses in the area for a generation as part of its budget plan for 2019/20. The funding for 240 new council homes forms part of a significant investment worth a total of £212 million in a range of ambitious infrastructure p
New social enterprise Total Homes Co-operative is to host a launch event in Glasgow. Described as “the circular solution in housing”, Total Homes is a household goods collection service with a difference; collecting, recycling, upcycling and reusing furniture and household items from hou
A public forum is being held to discuss the designation of Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) under Freedom of Information (FoI) legislation. Organisers said the Scottish Public Information Forum (SPIF) is an opportunity for rights holders and duty bearers to meet and discuss access to information i
A Holyrood committee is looking for a wide range of views on the effectiveness of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. The Scottish Parliament’s public audit and post-legislative scrutiny committee launched a public consultation on the Act following concerns about compliance an
Around 250 people have responded to a South Lanarkshire Council consultation exercise on the Local Development Plan (SLLDP) 2. Together they raised 502 ‘valid’ points of representation including objections to, and support for, a broad range of the draft policies and proposals. These have
Every Registered Social Landlord (RSL) in Scotland will be assigned a compliance status regarding its governance and financial viability under new plans unveiled by the Scottish Housing Regulator. Publishing its new Regulatory Framework and statutory guidance for social landlords today, the Reg
Plans to build 185 new houses in Stirling, including 46 affordable homes, have been given the green light. The development at Newpark Farm, St Ninians, will comprise a mixture of bungalows, cottage flats, short terraces, semi-detached and detached properties.
Scotland’s membership organisation for homelessness today called for a ‘national conversation’ to address public perceptions of the causes and realities of homelessness. Homeless Action Scotland highlighted studies that show that whilst the public are sympathetic to homeless people
Local government body COSLA has issued new guidance on the rights of migrants to services provided by local authorities in Scotland. The guidance explores how councils can provide support for vulnerable people who are classed under UK immigration law as having no recourse to public funds.
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has launched a new project to reimagine the way it connects with and supports its members. The Rethinking Membership project will give housing professionals across Scotland the chance to give their views on what the body should do to ensure its offering fully
Aberdeenshire Council’s housing service aims to increase the supply of affordable housing as part of a new plan that includes continued improvements to existing properties and support for vulnerable people. The authority has been working with registered social landlords and private developers
A Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan to help meet the national ambition to "end homelessness together" has been launched in Fife. A five-year fund of £50 million was announced by the Scottish Government last year to tackle the issues associated with homelessness.
Govanhill Housing Association is to progress improvements to its tenement housing stock in Glasgow with a large-scale renewals contract. A total of 126 of properties will have brand new kitchens installed by CCG Asset Management, the expert planned maintenance division of the CCG Group.
North Lanarkshire Council has unveiled plans to progress redevelopment proposals for two prominent sites in Monklands. An area of Bank Street in Coatbridge and the former Orrs building in Airdrie have, for a number of years, been identified as areas requiring redevelopment.