
18976-18990 of 29017 Articles
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Persimmon has released results showing profits exceeding £1bn for the first time. Annual profits jumped 13% to £1.091bn at the housebuilder which was caught in a pay row last year and is under scrutiny over its continued involvement in the Help to Buy scheme.

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Continued support from CALA Homes (East) is helping to support a joint project between the Rotary Club of Currie Balerno and the Balerno Village Trust. The housebuilder has once again contributed £2,000 towards the ‘Community Chest’ which funds a host of initiatives around Balerno,

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The security of smart domestic appliances that can be managed remotely must be improved to better protect users' privacy, research suggests. Experts have identified steps that manufacturers could take to improve the products' security, in a market that is forecast to be worth £80bn by 2022.The

18976-18990 of 29017 Articles