Homelessness charity Cyrenians hosted Almond Valley MSP Angela Constance at its West Lothian farm community this week. The East-of-Scotland based charity operates four residential communities, including the Farm Community.
Persimmon has released results showing profits exceeding £1bn for the first time. Annual profits jumped 13% to £1.091bn at the housebuilder which was caught in a pay row last year and is under scrutiny over its continued involvement in the Help to Buy scheme.
Recent advances in household-scale battery systems are making them an ever more attractive option for new home buyers, and there’s an expectation that they could become commonplace as part of a home’s electrical infrastructure in the near future. A new guide from the NHBC Foundatio
Continued support from CALA Homes (East) is helping to support a joint project between the Rotary Club of Currie Balerno and the Balerno Village Trust. The housebuilder has once again contributed £2,000 towards the ‘Community Chest’ which funds a host of initiatives around Balerno,
Staff at MCC Label based in Clydebank have delivered a bumper cash boost to help make homelessness a thing of the past. The team at the label producer raised £8916 by sleeping out at December’s ‘Sleep in the Park’ event held in Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow.
Rural Stirling Housing Association (RSHA) has officially broken ground on a new six-home affordable housing development in Doune. The six homes - comprising two semi-detached bungalows and four cottage flats - are being built by Hadden Group and will be available for rent once completed.
Kingdom Housing Association has been shortlisted in the National Housing Federation Housing Finance Awards 2019. Kingdom has been shortlisted in the Treasury Team of the Year category, for their team work in delivering their £85 million debut private placement along with other funding from the
A housing manager at Glasgow-based ng homes has been shortlisted for the Women in Compliance award at the upcoming ASCP National Awards for her recent work in gas compliance.
Bield Housing & Care has called for Edinburgh volunteers to join the team and help bridge the gap between older people and technology.
Murray Estates Ltd, along with its development partners Taylor Wimpey West Scotland and Barratt Homes West Scotland, has confirmed that plans for the second phase of its successful multi-million pound development at Torrance Park in Holytown, have taken a significant step forward with the submission
CALA Homes (North) has submitted a planning application to Aberdeen City Council for the second phase of the leading homebuilder’s Craibstone Estate development.
The security of smart domestic appliances that can be managed remotely must be improved to better protect users' privacy, research suggests. Experts have identified steps that manufacturers could take to improve the products' security, in a market that is forecast to be worth £80bn by 2022.The
Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has completed the first phase of a £5 million housing development at Castle Wood Court in Helensburgh. Earlier this month, the development received a Secure by Design Award from Police Scotland.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has written to all RSLs to underline the importance of compliance with Regulatory Standards in the context of uncertainty around Brexit. The Regulator’s letter highlights Regulatory Standard 3 which requires each RSL to manage its resources to ensure financial we
A new campaign by Scottish Rural Action (SRA) is aiming to highlight the shortage of affordable homes in rural Scotland and its impact on rural communities.