The company delivering the £35 million regeneration of North Sighthill in Edinburgh has reached an agreement to allocate £50,000 of community benefit funding across the south west of the city. ENGIE was awarded a contract with the City of Edinburgh Council in late 2017 to construct 184 a
West Dunbartonshire Council will host a series of summits as part of its drive to put a stop to domestic abuse. The events, which are taking place throughout this year, will focus on prevention and aim to change generational behaviour through education.
Borderers are being urged to get their bids in for a share of over £300,000 to improve local communities. Individuals and groups have until 5pm on February 28 to submit their applications for the latest round of the Localities Bid Fund.
In an effort to help deliver its affordable housing target, the Scottish Government has increased its budget for investment in charitable bonds in this next financial year to £40 million.
A Bill outlining new measures to tackle fuel poverty has been given approval in the Scottish Parliament despite concerns the plans “lack ambition”.
CCG (Scotland) has taken the next steps to improve the energy performance of the typical home with research and development into heat loss. The contractor and manufacturer has worked in partnership with energy and sustainability consultancy Carbon Futures to reduce the impact of ‘thermal
Housing association Dunedin Canmore, part of Wheatley Group, has secured £16 million of charitable bond finance to help build hundreds of new homes. The new funding was announced as Housing Minister Kevin Stewart visited a development in the east of Edinburgh where Dunedin Canmore is close to
Hillcrest Housing Association is set to create 91 new affordable homes in Stonehaven, bolstering Grampian's stretched housing provision.
Neil Clapperton, CEO of Grampian Housing Association, reflects on the collapse of Our Power, the housing association-backed energy provider. Our Power was an amazing creature, a utility with a heart, an energy supplier that cared for those on the margins, households in fuel poverty. It was the brain
Kingdom Housing Association has launched a pioneering shortlisting scheme to guarantee that people who are homeless or have recently experienced homelessness will be considered for employment. The scheme has been created to lessen the stigma and the barriers to employment that sometimes face people
One of the world’s biggest computer games is helping children in Glasgow learn about the role Maryhill played in the First World War. ‘Building the Barracks’ is a free download for Minecraft, allowing gamers to experience what it was like to live and work in the army base back in 1
Generous staff at West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) have once again gone the extra mile to raise to raise £5,000 to benefit two charities – Cancer Research UK and Glasgow City Mission. Since 2012, kind-hearted WSHA staff have raised a total of around £30,000 to support go
Every home built for sale on the land where St Mirren FC once played has been handed over to local families. Property developer Sanctuary Homes was inundated with people keen to buy 29 affordable houses in Paisley’s Love Street, Saints Street, North Bank, Cairter’s Corner and Abercromby
Two neighbours and innovators are among the first in the running for an award that recognises inventions that transform the lives of people living with disabilities. Laura Maclean and Tom Forsyth have entered their creation, the Ramble Tag, into the Blackwood Design Awards (BDAs) as it helps to over
The managing director of CALA Homes (North) has been appointed to the board of Homes for Scotland. Mike Naysmith, who brings more than 20 years of property and construction experience to the role, will help the organisation support more than 200 companies involved in growing Scotland’s housebu