Social security secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville has called for views on proposals which aim to ensure people at high risk of harm through domestic abuse are better protected and provided with quicker support. A public consultation is looking at the way that police, local authorities, health and so
Fundraisers across Fife are preparing to brave the cold for Bethany Christian Trust’s 50th Sleep Out event on March 8 to raise money in support of Scotland’s homeless. The Bethany Big Sleep Out, which will be held this year outside Holy Trinity Church in St Andrews, has raised over &poun
Nominations are now open for the 2019 Saltire Society Housing Design Awards. Rewarding innovation and advocating Scottish house building and place making for longer than any other design award in Scotland, the awards work to encourage good, affordable, adaptable and environmentally sustainable housi
Plans to create two new housing developments at Liff have been given the green light by Dundee City Council. Miller Homes’ application to build 54 new homes on two plots of land was approved unanimously by the planning committee.
Researchers at Northumbria University have come up with a solution for mould, mildew and damp which cost housing associations, landlords and homeowners millions of pounds a year in repairs. Over the last year, Northumbria academics, along with partners from BIM Academy and the National Energy Founda
125 additional homes, three local schools and Falkirk Council offices are all set to benefit from a newly announced £4 million project to extend an existing district heating system and create a private wire network at Callendar Park. The local authority has appointed specialist contractor McDe
Accommodation and support provided to young adults who’ve left care in Moray continues to be rated as “very good”. The supported lodgings service helps young people aged between 16-21 move from a care setting into a supportive environment, to help them prepare for living independen
Clair Malpas has been appointed as the Cassiltoun Group CEO. Succeeding outgoing CEO Charlie Millar, Ms Malpas will take up her position on April 1.
East Lothian councillors have agreed to spend more than £171 million over the next five years on building new council housing and modernising existing stock. Over £95m has been earmarked for building new council homes with almost £60m to be invested in modernisation of existing cou
Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has received a Secure by Design Award by Police Scotland for its new build development at Castle Wood Court in Helensburgh. The new build comprises 32 units at a construction value of just under £5 million. Funding has come from the Scottish Governme
An affordable housing scheme in Nairn has welcomed its first residents after Albyn Housing Society took handover of the development. The 23 new build homes at Farnack Street have been allocated for affordable rent via the Highland Housing Register, providing much needed accommodation for local appli
Proposals by Angus Housing Association (AHA) to increase rents by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation only of 2.4% from April 2019 onwards has had a positive response from its tenants. The increase compares favourably with the recently announced higher than inflation increases of 3.5% in the An
The new housing project in Dundee is in doubt after developer McGill Homes followed its parent company into administration. The housing division of McGill & Co Limited, was placed into administration last week, days after administrators were appointed to the main company, making 374 of the compa
Council tax and housing rents in East Lothian are set to increase after the local authority’s 2019/20 budget plans were approved by elected members. As well as increasing council tax by 4.79%, East Lothian Council agreed further rises of 3% annually in the following two years and a 5% increase
Amera Sajid, the Gowrie Care money support worker who recently travelled to Lebanon to help Syrian refugees, has returned bringing with her stories and experiences - both heart-wrenching as well as warming. Amera returned from the Middle-Eastern country on January 29 following time in refugee camps