East Lothian Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP) has been nominated for a prestigious planning industry award. The LDP has been shortlisted as a finalist in the category for Excellence in Plan Making at the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Awards for Planning Excellence 2019.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has been criticised for its role during the transfer of Kincardine Housing Co-operative (KHC) to Grampian Housing Association. The Regulator used its statutory powers to direct the transfer in November last year following a period of statutory intervention at KHC.
Cunninghame Housing Association has secured a £30 million Private Placement Investment from Canada Life to part fund its ongoing approved new build housing development programme. The £30m funding together with ongoing Scottish Government investment will allow the Association to build 550
Plans to transform the current Royal Hospital for Sick Children site in Edinburgh into student accommodation have been given the green light. Downing Group plans to demolish some later additions to the site to make way for 323 student flats and convert the original hospital building into 126 residen
Helping people from becoming homeless and limiting the time spent in temporary accommodation is the focus of a new council plan. The Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan 2019-24 has five priority objectives and an overall vision that “homelessness in South Lanarkshire is significantly reduced
Two of Scotland’s leading charities Age Scotland and Housing Options Scotland have teamed up to launch housing advice guide for veterans in Scotland. The Housing for Older Veterans in Scotland advice guide is for any military veteran age 65 and older who has completed at least one da
Madeline Cross, events and communications co-ordinator at youth homelessness charity the Rock Trust asks why it is so hard for young people to rent privately, and what needs to change.
Glasgow City Council has approved a Property and Land Strategy which will guide how the council makes the best use of its substantial property and land estate. The possible relocation of council offices from the city centre to key regeneration areas across Glasgow is one action being considered thro
A decision on plans by the Trump Organisation to build hundreds of new homes in Aberdeenshire has been delayed by the local authority. Proposals for more than 500 homes on a site within the Trump International Golf Links estate at Menie, near Balmedie, were due to be considered by Aberdeenshire Coun
A derelict building on Bridge Street in Banff is to be converted into three townhouses. The 49-53 Bridge Street project is being delivered as part of Aberdeenshire Council’s Banff Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS).
People due to move from tax credits to Universal Credit face significant issues and a dramatic culture change, according to Holyrood’s social security committee. The warning comes in the committee’s latest report into in-work poverty which has raised deep concerns with the flagship welfa
An enhanced West Dunbartonshire design standard for new affordable homes has been approved by councillors. The new policy will introduce a host of additional requirements for every new build home.
The Chartered Institute of Housing’s Make a Stand campaign to tackle domestic abuse has seen more than 300 housing organisations sign up in just eight months. CIH President Jim Strang announced the landmark in his speech at the organisation’s annual Presidential Dinner, which took place
Cairn Housing Association’s Care & Repair Service has been awarded with a Scottish Quality Mark by Care & Repair Scotland. The Quality Mark accreditation recognises the skills, knowledge and effectiveness of Cairn’s Care & Repair Service, which has benefited thousands of peop
The Tenant Participation Advisory Service Scotland (TPAS Scotland) has awarded River Clyde Homes with gold accreditation for Excellence in Tenant Participation. Validated by an independent panel of tenant participation experts, the award recognises excellence in involving all River Clyde Homes