A new approach to ensure homeless people in West Dunbartonshire are fast-tracked to settled accommodation has been approved by councillors. The Rapid Rehousing Transition Programme – titled Home at the Heart – will ensure that minimal time is spent in temporary homes.
In the first in a Scottish Government series of guest blogs, Phil Wray provides an insight into the progress Glasgow City Mission has made this winter, helping more people into settled accommodation. Most of us have had the heart-rending experience of walking through a city on a cold winter morning
Millions of households across Britain are set to see an increase in the cost of energy after Ofgem increased price caps for default tariffs and pre-payment meter customers. The industry regulator revealed today that the price cap for customers on default (including standard variable) tariffs, introd
Glasgow is to set up an Alternative Giving scheme to help transform the lives of people of who participate in begging. An online donation facility, contactless giving points and a website will be created so people can contribute to a fund which will pay for practical items such as clothes to attend
Mental health charity Mind used a parliamentary reception in Westminster this week call for MPs to make sure the rights of people with mental health problems are firmly on the housing agenda. People with mental health problems joined MPs, representatives from local Minds and the social housing secto
Plans to create modern homes in Girvan for the local travelling community are now under way. Seven chalet style bungalows are being built, with the project due to be completed later this year.
UK housebuilder Miller Homes will deliver a total of 1,689 new homes across 14 new developments across central Scotland, supporting approximately 6700 jobs, it said today. The developments are located from as far north as Dundee, and span across Glasgow and the West and Edinburgh and the Lothians.
Plans have been lodged for a residential development in the Fife village of Guardbridge. McHale Enterprises is seeking planning permission in principle for up to 60 homes on land adjacent to Motray Park alongside associated works including car parking, landscaping, drainage and formation of new acce
Home Group has appointed three new members to its Scotland board. Myriam Madden, chairman of Home Scotland, said the addition of Bob McDougall, Annie Mauger-Thompson and Gillian Campbell bring a “wealth of experience” in the sector and “will support Home Group in the delivery of it
Govan Law Centre (GLC) is looking to launch a women’s rights project to provide legal services and support for women who are homeless or in housing need. A crowdfunding bid is under way to allow the charity to challenge gender discrimination in the homelessness system.
Housing Options Scotland has announced the passing of its former colleague and friend Dr Christine Robinson. Christine passed peacefully at home after a long illness bravely borne on January 15.
The staff social committee at Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) was proud to hand over two £500 cheques to two well-deserving charities. During the year the HHP staff raise funds for local charities by hosting dress down days, monthly raffles etc.
A housing association which provides accommodation exclusively for Orthodox families has defeated an application for Judicial Review by a mother and her young son over its allocation policy. The English High Court dismissed a claim, which had been brought by a non-Jewish family in Stamford
A model agreement between the Scottish Government, West Lothian Council and a newly-created joint venture could help tackle Scotland’s housing crisis if replicated in other regions, writes Russell Munro. Mary Queen of Scots is said to have stopped off at Niddry Castle near the village of Winch
More than 165,000 of the most affordable rented homes have been lost across England in just six years, according to new analysis from the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH). The organisation is predicting that loss will reach 199,000 by 2020 – making it increasingly difficult for people on l