Housebuilder Barratt Developments has reported a rise in half-year sales and profits as it continues to benefit from operating efficiencies. The country’s largest housebuilder posted a 7.2% rise in revenues to £2.1 billion in the six months to December 31, while pre-tax profits jumped 19
Communities across Scotland will benefit from more than £700,000 additional funding to improve flood protection. This includes £300,000 to support the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) in its role as the national flood forecasting, flood warning and strategic flood risk manag
The Scottish Parliament’s social security committee has launched an inquiry into whether the social security system adequately supports tenants in both the private rented sector and social housing. There are growing concerns that a system which should support people to be able to rent an affor
David Bookbinder tackles the thorny issue of tenement repairs and offers workable solutions which he believes could save this vital part of Scotland’s community and heritage.
More than £8 million will be invested in affordable housing in Moray this year. The investment forms part of a wider £25m project to build housing locally, funded by Moray Council and the Scottish Government’s More Homes initiative.
Cube Housing Association has started work on 46 affordable homes for social rent in Dumbarton. The homes on Talisman Avenue in Westcliff are being built for Cube, part of Wheatley Group, by CCG (Scotland) Ltd.
Melville Housing Association is celebrating a major milestone with stock numbers passing 2,000 for the first time in more than 20 years. The milestone was reached when 23-year-old Demi Yuill moved in to her new, specially-adapted one bedroom home at Harvieston Park in Gorebridge. Built by Taylor Wim
Ferguslie Park Housing Association (FPHA) is investing £1.5 million in providing new kitchens, bathrooms, windows and doors to over 400 of its tenants' homes. The Association has appointed CMS Windows for the installation windows and doors and L&D Services for installing new kitchen
Elderpark Housing is providing a back to work boost which is helping keep its community look neat and tidy. The Association has provided jobs for two unemployed men as part of the hugely-successful Community Jobs Scotland initiative.
More homes need to be built on small sites and myths surrounding landbanking by housebuilders busted if the 80,000 homes deficit that has arisen over the last decade is to be addressed, MSPs will hear today. Industry trade body Homes for Scotland said there has been a near 40% reduction in the amoun
The first affordable homes in a charitable trust’s development in Perth are on track for completion later this year. The Gannochy Trust started work last May to deliver 48 houses within the existing Gannochy Estate in the city.
Rents in Scotland’s private rented sector (PRS) have continued to rise with an increasing number of families now living in privately rented homes. In its latest report, property letting portal Citylets said a 5% year-on-year increase during the final quarter of 2018 was underpinned by strong d
A new community of hundreds of homes has been proposed for a coastal Aberdeen suburb. Cognito Oak LLP has lodged a new application for between 500 and 600 new homes, including affordable units, a variety of different shops, community features, a recycling centre and new roads at land to the east of
The Highland Council, in partnership with Under One Roof Scotland, is inviting all private landlords to a special seminar specifically to look at issues surrounding common repairs and building maintenance and how to deal with any problems that may arise. Under One Roof Scotland is an impartial
Work to ensure people get access to the health and social care services they need is progressing well but needs to happen faster, according to a joint report by the Scottish Government and COSLA. The document highlights evidence of good progress in some local areas but says some local partnerships a