The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has revealed its disappointment in a funding freeze in housing adaptations to enable people to stay in their homes. Funding from the Scottish Government for adapting homes has effectively been frozen for the last seven years, according to the SF
Wheatley Group has announced the appointment of Jo Boaden and Bryan Duncan as new non-executive directors. Jo Boaden is a highly experienced senior housing professional whose contribution to the sector in the north of England was recognised with a CBE for services to housing in 2017. She was also th
Housing association-backed energy provider Our Power has formally gone into administration in a move that puts 68 jobs at risk. The appointment of Blair Nimmo and Alistair McAlinden of KPMG follows last month's announcement that the company had ceased trading.
Hundreds of workers have been made redundant after Dundee-based building contractor McGill & Co Limited went into administration. Established in 1981, McGill & Co provided services to clients in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors from its headquarters in Dundee and ancillary
New rules to reduce deaths in household fires will see improved standards introduced for fire and smoke alarms in all homes in Scotland from 2021, the Scottish Government has announced. Under the regulations, every home in the country must have a smoke alarm fitted in the living room or lounge, and
Tenants of River Clyde Homes have been evicted for anti-social behaviour and a conviction for drug dealing. The housing association enforced the orders and recovered the tenancies after it obtained orders from Greenock Sheriff Court.
Lauren Moffat, a senior support worker with Kingdom Support and Care in Collydean, has been busy knitting Trauma Teddies to help police officers calm young children. Lauren, along with her Mother in-law Catherine Moffat and friends, have so far knitted over 30 of the cute bears, which are made to a
Housebuiler industry body Homes for Scotland has called for a “more meaningful and inclusive” approach to analysing the country’s planning performance. Director of planning Tammy Swift-Adams has questioned the focus of official planning performance statistics, the latest of which r
A pioneering eco-village backed by the Prince of Wales is to be reviewed after only a fraction of the development has been completed. The Prince’s Foundation, a charity aimed at promoting urban design, had planned to deliver 770 homes at Knockroon in East Ayrshire.
Stakeholder groups have been given an outline of the funding challenges facing Aberdeen City Council as it prepares to set the 2019/20 budget. The budget will be decided at a meeting of full council on March 5 – with a range of measures to be considered to bridge a funding gap of between &poun
A study into Scotland’s most and least affordable cities has found that Aberdeen has seen the biggest boost in home affordability over the last five years. The latest Bank of Scotland research found that average house prices in the city have risen by only 2% to £203,944 in the last five
Plans for a £50 million mixed-used transformation of Edinburgh’s Leith Walk have been rejected by councillors. Drum Property Group had planned to demolish the two-storey red sandstone shop frontages and industrial units at Stead’s Place and replace it with a five storey facility co
Finance secretary Derek Mackay has reached an agreement with the Scottish Green Party to support the Scottish Budget at all parliamentary stages. In letters exchanged on Thursday, Mr Mackay outlined a package of reforms to local government as Green co-convener Patrick Harvie said the deal was t
Brendan O’Hara, MP for Argyll and Bute, has cut the first turf on the site of ten new homes in Garelochhead to launch Argyll Community Housing Association’s (ACHA’s) Passivhaus housing development. The Passivhaus standard builds homes to a very high standard of energy efficiency wh
Services such as Scotland’s Care and Repair housing support services are under threat from drastic public funding cuts, according to a new report. Care and Repair helps older and disabled homeowners to repair, improve or adapt their homes so that they can live in comfort and safety in their ow