The Existing Homes Alliance Scotland (ExHAS) held an exhibition in Parliament this week to highlight the issues of energy efficiency and fuel poverty. The exhibition, sponsored by Graham Simpson MSP, attracted interest from MSPs across all political groups with many pledging to support warm homes fo
A new initiative which will see the City of Edinburgh Council buy tenement flats from owners and rent them back to ensure essential repairs are carried out are to be progressed. Under the proposals, the local authority would offer to purchase the former council properties, with their owners’ c
Revised proposals for a mixed-used transformation of Edinburgh’s Leith Walk complete with affordable housing and student accommodation have been recommended for approval by City of Edinburgh Council planners. Drum Property Group plans to demolish the two-storey red sandstone shop frontages and
A range of measures to get Moray Council closer to balancing its budget for 2019/20 were debated by councillors this week. The measures, which are expected to lead to a reduction of over 110 posts across a range of services, include shutting two swimming pools, some libraries and public toilets.
The average weekly rent charged by Highland Council to its 13,411 council house tenants is set to increase by 3% for the coming financial year 2019/20. The average weekly rent will rise from £73.22 to £75.42 - an increase of £2.20 per week.
An event to gather support for establishing regular sporting clubs which aim to tackle dementia, depression and loneliness has been held in North Glasgow. ng homes and Sporting Memories Foundation came together to hold the open day event in Saracen House, Possilpark last week.
Elderpark Housing held a hugely-successful Burns Supper last night which brought the community together to celebrate the Bard. It was the seventh year Elderpark laid on the supper for its tenants who described the occasion as “magnificent”.
Glasgow City Council has appointed Professor Brian Evans as its first City Urbanist to enhance the city’s approach to place-making and connectivity. A professor in urbanism and landscape at The Glasgow School of Art's Mackintosh School of Architecture, and one of the UK's leading urbanists, th
The Nationwide Foundation is inviting proposals to undertake qualitative research and quantitative analysis of the impact on tenants and landlords of changes to the Scottish private rented sector tenancy regime. The study has a particular focus on the recent introduction of the Private Residential T
More than half of Scottish households have been plunged into fuel poverty as a result of crippling energy prices with people going to astonishing lengths in order to keep warm, new research has revealed. A survey carried out by Hillcrest Housing Association, which was open to the general public and
Housing minister Kevin Stewart has visited the first homes to be delivered as part of a new housing partnership between the City of Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Futures Trust. Around 1,500 new affordable homes will be delivered through the Edinburgh Living initiative over the next five years w
Scotland’s largest student organisation has joined with Scotland’s only tenants’ union to demand a ‘winter break’ to forced evictions. The Living Rent tenants’ union has been backed by NUS Scotland in the call to prevent winter deaths on Scotland’s streets.
The Court of Session has overturned a decision by Scottish Ministers to refuse planning permission for a 600-home development at Airthrey Kerse in Bridge of Allan. Graham’s The Family Dairy, in partnership with Mactaggart & Mickel Homes, lodged an appeal last year regarding its proposals t
Barratt North Scotland has submitted an appeal with the Scottish Government over the refusal of planning permission for 121 new homes at Newtonhill The housebuilder had planned to deliver 109 houses and 12 flats on a site near Park Place in the Aberdeenshire village. A quarter of the properties are
Selective licensing schemes in England are helping to tackle poor standards in the private rented sector but could be even more effective with more government support, the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has found. A new joint report from the housing body and the Chartered Institute of Environm