CALA Homes has commenced work on a new development to the south of the River Don in Aberdeen. The Persley Den development – which comprises a mix of 401 two, three, four and five-bedroom homes – will include apartments, townhouses, semi-detached, terraced and detached properties.
A major public consultation is to be held on a key planning document that will "shape Aberdeen in years ahead". The Aberdeen Local Development Plan (LDP) provides a land use framework – including 15 “preferred options” for potential housing sites – to ensure the city grows an
Fife Council is seeking views on the future accommodation needs of university students and St Andrews' residents in the town. The issue of HMOs (houses in multiple occupation) has caused much debate in St Andrews over the years, particularly how best to ease pressure on the over-crowded housing mark
Argyll & Bute, Moray, Orkney and the Shetland Islands are among the worst affected local authority areas for slow broadband in the UK, according to new research by Which? The consumer group analysed speed checker data in 32 council areas across Scotland, England and Wales.
The Scottish Government is to award an additional £500,000 to the charity FareShare to step up redistribution of surplus food for people struggling to afford to eat. The funding, which doubles investment in FareShare over the next two years, will help the charity mitigate against the potential
East Lothian Council is requesting £7 million from the Scottish Government in a bid to address significant homelessness challenges across the county. A report was approved by Cabinet members yesterday which set out plans for a ‘rapid rehousing’ approach to transform the use of temp
A line-up of international experts gathered at an international conference organised by Wheatley Group to explore how innovative thinking can do more for Scotland’s communities The W.E. Create 2019 International Innovation Conference in Glasgow brought together international business experts,
David Cressey has resigned as chief executive of Scottish Churches Housing Action (SCHA) after just nine months in the role. SCHA convener, Rev Dr Graeme Wilson, revealed that Mr Cressey tendered his written resignation on December 10.
The UK Parliament’s work and pensions committee is today launching a new inquiry into the process by which people claiming existing benefits move onto Universal Credit if they have a change in their circumstances. Now that Universal Credit has been rolled out to every Jobcentre in the country,
The Kingdom Group last year awarded in excess of £10,000 to over thirty charities and community events in Fife and Perthshire. The grants were made from the both the Association’s Common (Charitable) Fund and its Community Initiatives Fund and were made to assist communities in
Councillors in Dundee will be asked to approve a council rent increase of 3.75% following a tenant consultation which generated a record number of participants. Following an extensive eight week consultation 69% of the 2,282 tenants who took part opted for the lowest of three options for an annual i
Sanctuary Group has appointed Ed Lunt as its new group finance director. Ed, who is a Chartered Accountant, joins from Warwick-based Alliance Medical Limited, where he is currently the UK finance director.
Last call for free procurement support for housing associations – Regulator encourages participation
The free procurement support programme funded by the Scottish Government has so far helped more than 40 associations to improve how they procure with a further 30 in the pipeline. There are still some places available on the programme but time is running out for associations to take part as it finis
Bield is encouraging members of the West Calder community to spread their wings by helping older people in their area. The housing and care provider is looking for friendly individuals to join the team at Stewart Court as social activities volunteers.
A public consultation is to be held into plans for 500 new homes and a primary school in an Aberdeenshire village. At least 25% of the properties would be classed as affordable, amounting to 125 homes, with shops, businesses, playing fields and other leisure facilities also proposed on land previous