The City of Edinburgh Council has published draft budget proposals for the next financial year as it bids to save £41 million. The local authority said a new “forward-thinking approach” has been developed to meet the “significant financial challenges” that lie ahead &nd
Highland Council has unveiled a new approach to budget setting from 2019-22 as it prepares to negotiate a funding shortfall of more than £30 million for next year. In recent weeks, chief executive Donna Manson, budget leader Cllr Alister Mackinnon and other senior councillors and officers have
Housing organisations have been named among the best LGBT employers in the UK by lesbian, gay, bi and trans equality charity Stonewall. Home Group was placed 17th overall in the annual Top 100 LGBT-inclusive Employers list followed by Riverside Group – the second highest performing housing org
Homeowners must plan up to seven months ahead if they want a successful home improvement project, according to new research. Existing research from the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) revealed that consumers should expect to wait at least four months’ for a quality builder to be available.
Glasgow Housing Association’s transformation of social housing in Scotland’s largest city has boosted the nation’s economy by £2 billion and supported thousands of jobs, a new report has revealed. The study by the Fraser of Allander Institute (FAI) reviewed the impact of both
Forth Housing Association has announced the appointment of Grahame Cairns as its new director. Grahame, who previously held the position of tenant services manager, will replace John Cameron who retired at the end of 2018.
The first phase of a multi-million pound transformation of a community in Edinburgh has taken shape with the launch of 111 new energy-efficient homes. The Dunedin Canmore properties form part of the redevelopment of Craigmillar town centre that will see the area transformed by new homes, a new secon
Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE) director Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick provided oral evidence this week to the UK Parliament’s work and pensions committee on its inquiry into the welfare safety net. Drawing on I-SPHERE’s work on Destitution in th
CIH President Jim Strang and chief executive of Scottish Women's Aid Marsha Scott examine the role of housing in helping to protect people experiencing domestic abuse.
As part of celebrations to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS, Melville Housing Association Board member Emily Kasiera has been recognised for her 40 years in nursing by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). Since qualifying in 1979, Emily has worked across the NHS in many disciplines including
Fife Council has given planning permission in principle to Taylor Wimpey East Scotland’s proposals for 1,400 homes and a new primary school in Halbeath. The local authority’s west area planning committee has given 20-year planning permission in principle for the on the 80-hectare agricul
A private landlord in Fife who became the first to be disqualified by a Scottish court has been fined £12,000 after illegally renting out properties for a third time. Mohammed Murtaza pled guilty to leasing two dwellings in Kirkcaldy during May and December 2017, despite not being registered w
Views are being sought from the housing sector as a Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) consultation nears its conclusion. As part of “transformational changes needed to tackle today’s problems”, the environmental body is shifting its approach to regulation by moving focu
Moray Council is inviting ideas for community and regeneration projects in Buckie. Almost £90,000 is available, with £20k for the creation of a community woodland, £15k ring-fenced for use by the Buckie Regeneration Group and £25k available for a gateway feature.
One of the UK’s biggest housing-linked infrastructure projects is to be delivered in Winchburgh after a deal was struck between a new joint venture, the Scottish Government and West Lothian Council. Winchburgh Developments Limited (WDL), a newly-created joint venture between private equity par