The chief executive of one of the UK’s largest charitable trusts is to move on. Martyn Evans is stepping down from his role at Carnegie UK Trust after 10 years at the helm.
A former City of Glasgow College building could be transformed into office space and serviced apartments after the city landmark was sold for redevelopment. The B-listed building in North Hanover Street and Cathedral Street, which features a giant People Make Glasgow brand poster, has been acquired
The average price of a property in Scotland in November 2018 was £150,638 – an increase of 2.9% on November in the previous year and a decrease of 0.7% when compared to the previous month. This compares to a UK average of £230,630, which was an increase of 2.8% on November in the p
Registered social landlords (RSLs) will not need regulatory consents regarding disposals of land or assets as well as constitutional and organisational changes from March. The provisions of the Housing (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2018 removing the Scottish Housing Regulator’s (SHR) powers of co
Much-needed new homes in Central Govan in Glasgow are on their way in a £15 million boost from Elderpark Housing. Work has begun on site to deliver the 82 rented properties along with the restoration of a landmark B-listed former school.
With the critical vote on the Brexit deal due today, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has revealed the results of its second survey highlighting the views of social housing providers in Scotland. The new research has found that private sector investment and labour costs r
Marking one year since the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act saw private rented civil cases transferred to the Housing and Property Chamber, BTO solicitor Lauren McLeod provides comment on how the tribunals have been working in practice. Unlike the short assured tenancy regime, which allowe
Barrhead Housing Association has joined housing providers across the UK in signing up to a pledge to tackle domestic abuse. The governing Board committed to the Chartered Institute of Housing’s ‘Make a Stand’ campaign during its meeting last month.
L&Q has become the first UK housing association to publish a report into both its gender pay gap and the difference in pay between its black and minority ethnic (BME) and white members of staff. In a move which aims to reduce inequalities in the sector, L&Q said its inaugural Fair Pay report
Shelter Scotland’s campaigns and policy officer Aoife Deery on why 2019 must be a year in which the momentum towards tackling homelessness continues.
Housebuilder Persimmon has said that its profits will be “moderately ahead” of forecasts as the firm continues to grow despite a boardroom bonus controversy. In a trading update today, Persimmon said its full results next month will show revenue growth to £3.74 billion and pre-tax
Real estate agent Rettie & Co has acquired a 100-strong portfolio of residential properties in Edinburgh’s city centre. Bought from Crichton-Stuart Management, the portfolio includes a large number of HMO (house in multiple occupation) flats in prime student areas, including 3-4 bedroom fl
The first glimpse inside an 84-apartment development in Edinburgh described as the “most upmarket in Scotland’s recent history” has been unveiled as the homes are due for launch. CALA Homes (East) said its Crescent at Donaldson’s, taking shape in the grounds of the iconic Wil
North Ayrshire Council is set to launch a multi-million pound generation of its council housing estates. If approved, the ambitious programme will see improvement works carried out across the region.
The number of people in Scotland who say they are struggling to pay their rent or mortgage has increased by nearly a third in the last two years, a new survey has revealed. New research by YouGov on behalf of Shelter Scotland last month found that 12% of respondents were currently struggling to pay