Four working single mothers have secured a High Court victory against the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for the operation of its Universal Credit benefits scheme. The court found on Friday that the way the DWP has been assessing income from employment through its Universal Credit work asses
The chief executive of Oak Tree Housing Association has paid tribute to the organisation’s vice chairperson who was awarded an MBE in recognition of her voluntary service to social housing in Inverclyde. Jackie McKelvie was bestowed the honour in the Queen’s 2019 honours list.
Survey work to inform future development potential for affordable homes on sites in Ferguslie and South West Johnstone is to begin this week. For Ferguslie, this is the first stage of a £14 million development that will create around 100 new affordable Renfrewshire Council homes to transform t
Gordon MacDonald MSP has written to the secretary of state for defence, Gavin Williamson, after figures revealed an increase in the number of army homes left empty in Scotland. Figures uncovered through Freedom of Information earlier this month found that the number of vacant Ministry of Defenc
The era of the ‘amateur’ landlord may be at an end as 2019 will see further erosion of the tax benefits of being a landlord, according to an accountants and business advisory firm. French Duncan LLP said by 2020 there will be few financial incentives left for landlords at all.
Scottish Borders Council has lost a legal battle over the sale of land for a new hotel, restaurant and housing development in Galashiels. In March 2017, the local authority entered into missives for the sale of the former Burgh Yard to Ramoyle Developments and subsequently granted planning perm
Perth-based housebuilder A&J Stephen has warned it expects to lose money in the current financial year due to delays in development sites coming forward. The family firm, which currently has developments in Perth, Glenfarg, Inverness and the outskirts of Aberdeen, trebled its profits last year.
Allanwater Homes will shortly deliver a new development of 95 homes in the Hillfoots village of Alva. A selection of three to five bedroom, semi-detached and detached, eco-friendly homes will be included in the first phase of the development, which has been named Silver Glen.
Work has started on two projects which will provide 60 new affordable housing in Edinburgh. The homes – 19 for mid-market rent in Morrison Crescent and 41 for social rent in Beaverbank Place – are being built for Dunedin Canmore, part of Wheatley Group, by Glasgow-based contractor and ma
The UK Government is to scrap its plans to extend a benefits cap to 15,000 families with more than two children. Work and pensions secretary Amber Rudd told Sky News that families with a third child born before April 6, 2017, will still be able to claim £2,780 worth of annual Universal Credit
The public are being invited to view latest proposals by Hallhill Developments Limited for a residential and recreational development at Hallhill in Dunbar. Since commencing in 1999, the Hallhill landholding has delivered around 1,000 houses with approximately 300 currently under development.
A Loretto Housing tenant has received more than £21,000 in backdated benefit payments thanks to the work of the Association’s welfare benefits advisor. Karen Gribben, from Lanarkshire, received the payment after Loretto helped her claim Severe Disabled Premium she didn’t know she w
A document which outlines the eight principles that will guide Scotland’s new social security system is to be considered for approval by the Scottish Parliament. Created by people with experience of the existing social security system, the newly-published ‘Our Charter’ outlines in
The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber has provided the following stakeholder communication regarding private rented sector cases and residential tenancies.
A new mobile-friendly website helped Scottish Construction Now to a record year in 2018 with daily newsletter subscribers increasing by almost 1,000 to just under 8,500 and website users jumping by 6,000 a month — up from 39,000 to just over 45,000. The figures confirm Scottish Construction No