An MSP has called on the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to do more to house former veterans after new figures revealed a rise in the number of army homes left empty. Figures obtained through a Freedom of Information request show the number of vacant MoD properties in Scotland increased from 690 in 2013 t
Thenue Housing has embarked on a year of celebration to mark its 40th anniversary. Its first act for 2019 is to unveil its anniversary logo which will become a feature of the celebrations throughout the year.
CALA Homes has teamed up with NHS Grampian to submit a planning application to Aberdeen City Council for a development within the former Royal Cornhill Hospital Grounds. The application outlines a proposal for the creation of 36 one and two bedroom apartments at May Baird Avenue.
Low income families and carers will benefit from four new benefits being introduced by Social Security Scotland this year. The four new payments will follow the successful launch last year of the Carer’s Allowance Supplement and Best Start Grant, Pregnancy and Baby Payment.
A new property management portal is to be launched which aims to revolutionise the lettings industry by establishing new standards of transparency, fairness, and convenience for the benefit of both landlords and tenants. The bespoke portal, entitled apropos, has been designed and built by prope
Plans for 12 new homes in Macduff have been given the go-ahead by Aberdeenshire Council. Businesswoman Elaine Duthie had submitted plans to turn a former dry cleaners into flats.
A new course aimed at providing people with the necessary skills to help people who are homeless will be launched by the University of Edinburgh this month. Around 40 people are already enrolled on the 10-week Homeless and Inclusion Health course, including 23 bursary students from outside the unive
Jacqueline Robertson McKelvie, who is the voluntary vice-chair of Oak Tree Housing Association, has been bestowed an MBE in the Queen’s 2019 honours list.
Midlothian Council has approved its Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan to help end rough sleeping in the region. The Rapid Rehousing approach for homeless households was among the recommendations made by the Scottish Government’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) for ending ro
More than £500,000 worth of work to improve council houses in Dundee is set to be considered by councillors. Contracts to replace boilers and roofs in 157 homes from Broughty Ferry to Maryfield will be discussed by Dundee City Council’s neighbourhood services committee on Monday January
Midlothian Council is launching a review of its Housing Allocation Policy in early 2019. The current policy was revised in 2013 to create three lettings groups:
Scottish ministers are on course to invest over £125 million in 2018-19 to mitigate the worst impact of UK Government welfare reforms and to protect those on low incomes, social security secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville has revealed. The announcement follows new figures which found that, as a
The number of people still privately renting their home after they have retired has doubled in the last decade, according to new figures. Statistics compiled by Scottish Labour revealed the number of permanently retired adults living in the private rented sector has gone from 20,000 to 40,000 in the
Plans to transform a former Dundee jute mill into flats and offices have gained planning permission. A revised scheme to turn the old Pentlands Works on Brown Street into a mixed-use commercial and residential development has been approved by Dundee City Council, subject to conditions.
Shire Housing Association’s chairperson Janet Allan has stepped down from the role and also from the management Board due to personal commitments. Janet has led the management Board since 2014 and overseen the transformation of the Association.