A buyer has been found for Highlands construction firm Carbon Dynamic which went into administration last month. Around 40 jobs were on the line after the Invergordon-based sustainable modular buildings manufacturer succumbed to “challenging conditions and significant cashflow difficultie
Customers of Bield can look forward to living in homes and benefiting from care which meets their individual needs, reduces social isolation and improves their lives, its chief executive has pledged. Brian Logan said Bield has set its sights on being positioned as a leading-edge provider of affordab
A funding bid to fast-track homeless people in Dundee into permanent accommodation could be made to the Scottish Government, Dundee City Council has said. The local authority’s vision for Rapid Rehousing is set out in a 32-page plan which recognises that a safe and secure home is the best base
As rents in Scotland’s private rented sector spiral at double the rate of inflation, Govan Law Centre (GLC) has warned that the story beneath the increase is “stark and deeply worrying” and will lead to more homelessness and poverty. While official Scottish Government statistics ha
Triple Point Social Housing REIT has secured a new £70 million revolving credit facility (RCF) with Lloyds Bank. The floating rate RCF has an initial term of four years expiring on 20 December 2022 which may be extended by a further two years.
Two Dundee school pupils have cast their gaze firmly on their future careers, completing eight-week work experience programmes with the Hillcrest Group. Declan Coughlin from Harris Academy and Graeme Cosgrove from Craigie High School – both fifth year pupils – got hands-on in their
As Scotland plans for an ageing population, Kingdom Housing Association has become one of the first social landlords in the country to introduce dementia training courses for staff and the first organisation that operates across Fife to receive the Dementia Friendly Fife Award. Kingdom worked with A
Almond Housing Association has been caring for its more mature tenants by providing them with Winter Wellbeing packs. Bags containing a variety of items to get pensioners through the colder months have been dropped off at almost 300 households in and around Livingston.
Customers of River Clyde Homes were given a festive treat this year with the third annual winter parties taking place in both Greenock and Port Glasgow. Over 250 older customers and those in sheltered housing complexes enjoyed the tea parties, organised by the Inverclyde-based housing association wh
Six apprentices from Argyll Community Housing Association worked in partnership with three apprentices from West Highland Housing Association to take part in a five-day course with the Outward Bound Trust at Loch Eil, Fort William. The apprentice-specific course was designed to help them build their
Older people at Bield retirement housing developments got into Christmas spirit as they celebrated the festive season with a series of events. Tenants at Crosshill Gardens in Port Glasgow development tucked into a staggering 52 Christmas dinners as part of their annual Christmas party.
Almond Housing Association distributed an early festive gift from staff at Everwarm after the energy services company raised £200 from a Christmas jumper day and collected several bags of food. Neil Webster, Everwarm’s business development manager, made a presentation to Almond’s c
Partnership homes developer Lovell has appointed David Ward as its managing director for the North. David takes up the newly-created director position with Lovell, part of Morgan Sindall Group, after a nearly 31-year career with Keepmoat Group where he held a series of senior roles and was most rece
Aberdeen City Council has approved plans for the second phase of CALA Homes’ Grandhome development in Bridge of Don. The approval ushers in the creation of an additional 116 three-, four- and five-bedroom terraced, semi-detached and detached homes which will complement the first 71-home phase.
Groups of young trainees from across Glasgow and Lanarkshire have been given the opportunity to get hands-on experience during visits to a Bathgate housing site. Lovell welcomed the groups to its Wester Inch development where it is currently building 86 new homes on behalf of West Lothian Council. T