Measures to help police and prosecutors to tackle all forms of domestic abuse will come into force on April 1, ministers have announced. The Domestic Abuse Act, passed by the Scottish Parliament earlier this year, creates a new offence which explicitly covers psychological harm as well as physical h
Shoppers in-the-know are set to descend on Shelter Scotland’s Stockbridge shop today in what has become an annual ‘must-attend’ event for bargain-hunters. Customers will get the chance to pick up designer bargains and collectibles including famous brands such as Vivi
Wishaw & District Housing Association (WDHA) has announced the preferred organisation with whom it has agreed to pursue a merger through a transfer of engagements. Trust Housing Association was chosen ahead of other candidates with Cairn Housing Association and Link Group, who were all shortlist
Glasgow City Council has approved planning permission in principle for a Queens Cross Housing Association-driven project for a new 600 home development in the north of the city. Outline planning permission has been granted to transform the Hamiltonhill area into a 21st Century suburb close to the ci
Specialised care provision in the Falkirk Council area has been enhanced after a deal was brokered between two care providers. Bield closed its Woodlands care home in Bo’ness in March this year but has since been working tirelessly to find a buyer to take over the site.
Work carried out by the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Tenant Advisors has concluded that most landlords make it easy for tenants to find the information they need to report an emergency. A review by the Advisors found that most landlords make clear, straightforward information available on thei
The Invitation to Participate (ITP) for Scotland Excel’s four-year New Build Residential Construction Framework will close on January 14. The Centre of Procurement Expertise has joined forces with 11 Scottish councils to implement the framework, which will enable contracts for housing developm
Just in time for Christmas, 20 emergency beds have been created for people who are homeless in Edinburgh. The new accommodation has been set up by local homelessness charity Streetwork promising a secure place to stay for people rough sleeping in the capital, helping people get back on their feet ov
Scotland Excel’s Construction Team is working on the fourth-generation renewals of several key frameworks: Building and Timber; Plumbing and Heating; and Electrical Materials. These contracts are part of the organisation’s growing construction portfolio and are crucial in helping Scotlan
Two more young people have joined the ranks at Queens Cross Housing Association. Seventeen-year-old Sean Hanley and Anthony Goodall have joined the handyperson team on a ten-week training placement.
West Dunbartonshire Council’s innovative housing scheme to support care leavers into accommodation has been nominated for an award. The Leaving Care Housing Protocol ensures young people who were previously looked-after have support to achieve independence and stability in the community.
Almond Housing Association has distributed Christmas food parcels to local families, to help ensure that everyone has what they need this festive season. Door-to-door deliveries have been made directly to dozens of tenants, providing them with essential groceries to help keep them going over Christm
An appeal set up by Gowrie Care’s community recovery service has accumulated hundreds of toiletry essentials for homeless and people in recovery in Dundee and the surrounding area this Christmas. The items, which include shampoo, body wash, toothpaste and toothbrushes, have been sorted into to
McTaggart Construction has made a £10,000 donation to the Wheatley Foundation in support of community projects. The homebuilder is currently building over 350 new homes across the central belt of Scotland for Wheatley and is a member of their contractor framework.
A Paisley charity that aims to tackle mental health issues and offers learning and skill sharing received an early Christmas present of a brand new base to call home thanks to Cruden Building. The generous contractor, in partnership with Link Housing Association, responded to a cry for help from St