Tenants from a Stenhousemuir retirement housing development have been keeping fit and active thanks to pupils from a local high school. Pupils from nearby Larbert High School have been visiting Bield’s Robertson Court to hold sessions with tenants in an intergenerational initiative aimed at br
Big-hearted members of staff at the Tesco store in Dingwall have generously donated gifts to ensure that every child in Ross-shire waking up in homeless accommodation on Christmas morning will have a special parcel to open. For the second year running the Tesco Management team in Dingwall gave up th
SHARE is passionate about supporting the future of the social housing sector, not only training new staff through modern apprentice schemes, but also supporting current housing staff to fulfil their potential and progress up the career ladder. Following the success of the Summer sessions in 20
The average price of a home in Scotland continued its upward trend in October 2018 to reach £151,508, according to Registers of Scotland. The latest publication of the monthly UK HPI shows that the average price increased by 4.4% on October in the previous year though it did decrease by 0.3% w
BAM Construction’s team working on Edinburgh’s new premier office development, Capital Square, rallied round to donate 120 selection boxes to the Grassmarket Community Project which provides a drop-in meal service for the homeless community. The gift-wrapped boxes will be distributed thi
Scotland has become one of the first countries in the world to develop a national strategy to deal with the serious problem of social isolation. To kick start A Connected Scotland: Tackling social isolation and loneliness, minister for older people and equalities, Christina McKelvie, said the strate
Langstane Housing Association is to co-opt two additional members to its governing body as part of a series of measures intended to address “serious and urgent risks” to the organisation’s governance and financial planning, management and control.
Ashley Campbell In its response to the Scottish Housing Regulator’s consultation on a new Regulatory Framework, CIH Scotland has welcomed the continued focus on openness and transparency in data collection and sharing.
Alan McKee has been appointed West Granton Housing Co-operative’s (WGHC) new housing and corporate services manager, a post which is also depute to the CEO. Alan holds a Masters degree in Housing and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the post having previously held the position of
This week tenants begin moving in to brand new Scottish Borders Housing Association (SBHA) homes in Galashiels, just in time for Christmas. Work has been completed on the new £1.8 million SBHA housing development at Rose Court in Langlee, which was handed over by Hart Builders and agents Eildon Hou
Jon Sparkes More than 24,000 people in Britain will spend Christmas sleeping rough, on public transport, or in tents – far more than there were five years ago, according to new figures.
John Blackwood Scotland’s largest membership body for private landlords has expressed concern that tax changes announced by the Scottish Government will reduce investment and exacerbate the country’s housing crisis.
Construction work is underway on the third phase of East Renfrewshire Council’s ambitious plans to provide 240 new homes for social rent over the next five years. Following the sites at Robertson Street and Fenwick Drive in Barrhead, where work commenced earlier this year, the project at the Black
Vikki Watt and Leigh Shearer at the drop off for the Cottage Family Centre Christmas Appeal Kingdom Housing Association staff have generously donated toys and gifts in support of the Cottage Family Centre’s Christmas Appeal.
Delighted residents of the Toryglen community were delivered a week full of Christmas events by their social landlord Thistle Housing Association. All generations came together in the south side of Glasgow to celebrate with five events over a seven-day period.