For the second year running, Clydesdale Housing Association has donated Christmas-themed food, gifts and treats to Clydesdale food bank. In addition, this year it also made a £200 donation to support the good cause.
Housing minister Kevin Stewart Housing minister Kevin Stewart says the Scottish Government’s world leading Fuel Poverty Bill will continue to transform people’s lives.
Springfield Properties CEO Innes Smith Housebuilder Springfield Properties has said it continues to evaluate opportunities to acquire land for new developments to satisfy sustained demand from the private and affordable sectors.
As the High Court today begins a judicial review of the UK Government’s flagship Right to Rent scheme, new research from the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has found an increasing number of private landlords are less likely to rent to those without a British passport. Right to Rent began
Dundee City Council has joined forces with local trade unions to sign a 12-point charter committing them to fair work in the construction sector. The charter pledges to ensure that through the procurement and delivery of council-backed building projects there will be high standards of employment sta
A UK Muslim-faith based charity has distributed 5,252 items of winter clothing to homeless and vulnerable people across Glasgow, Manchester and Birmingham as part of its Wrap Up 2018 campaign. Human Appeal asked members of the public across the three cities to donate unwanted coats for vulnerable pe
William Wallace's live was changed thanks to the Way Ahead programme A pioneering Wheatley Foundation project helping long-term unemployed into work has delivered more than £8 million of social value to Scotland’s largest city.
Project manager Neil Smith, land manager Robert Grant, land manager Stuart Morrison and senior design engineer Tim Simpson Springfield Properties has unveiled plans to build 85 new affordable homes in a Moray village.
Plans to build four blocks of flats on a derelict site on Leith waterfront, one of which will be entirely made up of affordable housing, have been given the green light. S1 Developments has secured planning permission to build 245 flats at a development branded ‘Skyliner’ at Ocean Drive on the e
Dave Roy and Constable Reidie (left) with Alana Anderson and Constable Forbes (right) with pupils at Newcastle Primary School Kingdom Housing Association has continued its support for road safety campaigns in Fife by donating a 'pop-up cop' to a Glenrothes primary school.
Santa with John Haliburton Over 250 Gowrie Care service users and staff got into the festive spirit last week when they attended the charity’s annual winter disco at Dundee’s Apex Hotel.
Martin Partington CBE QC The number of tenancy deposit cases now being heard by the Scottish First-tier Tribunal could mean that a similar specialist court in England would have to deal with up to 1,200 deposit protection cases each year, according to the chair of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS).
(from left) Springfield head of land central David Jewell, Perth & Kinross Council planning officer Euan McLaughlin, Kevin Stewart MSP and Perth & Kinross Council planning officer John Russell The new Bertha Park village being built on the edge of Perth has been recognised by the Scottish Go
Beth McNeil Partnership home builder Keepmoat Homes has announced the appointment of its first female regional managing director.
Newly appointed Lovell Scotland commercial director, Sarah Fenton Partnership housing developer Lovell has announced the appointment of Sarah Fenton as regional commercial director as it sets its sights on future growth in Scotland.