A 1% rise in the tax paid by those purchasing an additional home in Scotland is unlikely to free up more properties for first time buyers, according to ESPC Lettings head, Nicky Lloyd. Finance secretary Derek Mackay announced his draft Budget on December 12, in which he proposed amendments to Land a
A newly completed DGHP development in Dumfries Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) has appointed an interim senior officer after the resignation of its chief executive amid increased engagement from the Scottish Housing Regulator.
A housebuilder is giving first-time buyers the chance to snap up properties for a fraction of the price thanks to its ‘Golden Share’ initiative. Working with the City of Edinburgh Council, CALA Homes (East) has launched a phase of affordable properties that give house hunters and first-time buye
A union for tenants in Scotland will hold a national day of action on Saturday demanding the Scottish Government implements a ban on evictions during the winter months. Recent statistics show that homelessness in Scotland has begun to increase for the first time in a decade, and that almost 100 peop
George Fraser, chief executive of Tulloch Homes North of Scotland housebuilder Tulloch Homes has initiated a major push south with two major new developments in the Central Belt.
A Conservative MSP has condemned the rise of empty properties within South Lanarkshire, and across Scotland, since 2007. The Scottish Government’s Quarterly Housing Statistics, published this week, revealed that the number of empty properties and second homes in Scotland has increased by 16% from
(from left) Anne Hoffman, Samantha Turnbull, Hannah Jones, Kerry Hamilton, Abbi Waddell, Helen Weekes, Nicola Thomson, Dr Grace Vickers and Lorne McCall Midlothian parents became the first graduates in Scotland to complete a recognised qualification in becoming a tenant and keeping that tenancy.
Allyson Allison with her award alongside Kevin Stewart, minster for local government, housing and planning A Stirling Council worker has received national recognition for her efforts in bringing empty homes back into use after scooping a prestigious award.
A new approach to home ownership has been launched that aims to benefit young and old alike across Scotland. Devised by the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT), Home Ownership Made Easy (HOME) is a new and easier route to home ownership for first-time buyers and also offers an alternative option for older
Eric Curran Marking a decade since the introduction of Home Reports, Eric Curran highlights issues such as length, categories, valuation price and the importance of being on a lender panel.
More than £825 million is to be invested in 2019-20 to deliver on the Scottish Government’s target for 50,000 affordable homes over the course of the Parliament, finance secretary Derek Mackay has announced. Presenting his Scottish Budget 2019/20 to the Scottish Parliament yesterday, Mr Mackay sa
A continuing appetite by lenders and investors to invest in social housing in Scotland is the main finding of a report published by the Scottish Housing Regulator. A summary of the Regulator’s annual analysis of RSLs’ annual loan portfolio returns, which set out their borrowing and funding arran
Yoker Housing Association has commissioned an independent review of its governance after failing to provide the Scottish Housing Regulator with sufficient assurance of its self assessment procedures. The Regulator has engaged with Yoker about its governance self assessment since 2017 during which it
Helen Moore A much more proactive approach to tackling poor privately owned housing must feature in the Scottish Government's vision for housing in the next 20 years, according to the Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF).
Sally Thomas The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has welcomed Scottish Government statistics showing substantial increases in the delivery of new build affordable housing.