Sustainable modular buildings manufacturer Carbon Dynamic has fallen into administration with the loss of 40 jobs. Carbon Dynamic, or CLDB Limited, specialised in the design and manufacture of bespoke timber modular buildings, designed to be low-energy, highly-insulated and constructed fro
Richard Sullivan and Dr Kim McKee have joined the Board of management at Cassiltoun Housing Association as co-opted Board members. Richard has 25 years’ experience in the third sector and 17 years’ professional experience in the public and private sectors.
Fiona McTaggart A financial inclusion service established by Govan Housing Association has been working hard to assist tenants and the wider community with welfare rights, money and debt advice since its formation almost a year ago.
Tenants from an Edinburgh retirement housing development have been taken back in time with a play showcasing 1950s Leith. Joined by pupils from Abbeyhill Primary School, tenants from Bield’s Gordon Court were treated to a first glimpse of the production of ‘Moonshine on Leith’ – inspired by
Ardenglen Housing Association completed its Sleep in the Park participation and received the personal thanks of Social Bite co-founder Josh Littlejohn MBE. The Ardenglen team met Josh during his whistle stop tour of Scotland’s four principal cities where thousands were taking part in the mass slee
How the block could look if it is saved from the proposed demolition A grassroots campaign working to save the two storey sandstone block on Leith Walk has unveiled its own vision of how the block could be developed rather than demolished.
Scotland’s councils paid out almost £57 million in grants towards housing costs for those claiming housing benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit in a six month period, new figures have revealed. Official statistics from the Scottish Government have shown that during the period 1 Apri
Land value taxation could help deliver Scotland’s land reform objectives and raise revenue in a more progressive way, according to a new report. With a total estimated value of around £5 trillion, or just over half of the total net worth of the UK, land is the most valuable asset in the UK.
The ground has officially broken at Carskeoch Drive, Patna, where CCG (Scotland) Ltd is building 19 new homes for rent for strategic partner East Ayrshire Council. The site, which was previously occupied by Patna Resource Centre, will deliver high quality, energy efficient homes in a range of sizes
Scotland Excel has published the Invitation to Participate (ITP) for its four-year New Build Residential Construction Framework – and companies now have five weeks to submit their request to participate. The ITP for the framework, which is the organisation’s largest ever contract opportunity, wi
The Scottish Housing Regulator has put weak governance as the main issue behind all of its statutory interventions into registered social landlords (RSLs). In a new report setting out the key lessons from its use of statutory intervention powers in 11 RSLs since 2014, the Regulator said it found tha
Sound alerts for evacuation in high rise buildings and extending the mandatory installation of sprinklers in new flats are among a raft of new safety measures to be introduced next year in Scotland in response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy. The new building standards legislation will also reduce the
Highland councillors have approved a new rapid rehousing plan which aims to tackle homelessness in the region. The first draft ‘Highland Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan’ for 2019 – 2024, which will be submitted to the Scottish Government by the end of this year, provides an analysis of homeles
Drum's latest plans for Stead's Place shows a height reduction of one storey Drum Property Group has submitted revised design proposals in support of its planning application to transform a major section of Leith Walk, Edinburgh.
Kobina Andoh Wellhouse Housing Association has demonstrated its supports for future housing professionals as it welcomed a student placement to the Association.