Renfrewshire Food Bank will receive £30,000 funding to reduce the impact of Universal Credit after councillors agreed to a new three-year financial assistance plan. The funding follows the introduction of Universal Credit in Renfrewshire in September 2018.
Energy Assets Utilities is playing a key role in ensuring that the 2,200 new homes planned for a major development in Wallyford will be at the leading edge of the digital revolution sweeping across the residential new build sector. The firm has been responsible for laying the conventional gas, elect
The Scottish Housing Regulator’s decision to appoint a manager and five members to the governing body of Thistle Housing Association has been upheld by an appeal panel. The Regulator used its statutory powers to make the appointments in August this year after an independent review identified failu
A quarter of households are still struggling with fuel poverty as new Scottish Government statistics revealed no real progress over the last 12 months. The new figures revealed a small fall in fuel poverty rates between 2016 and 2017, with a drop from 26.5% (649,000 households) to 24.9% (613,000 hou
More than 6,000 children from across Scotland face being homeless this Christmas, the highest number in ten years, according to new figures. Statistics from Shelter Scotland show that 6615 children will be classed as homeless, the fourth year in a row the number has risen.
Plans for Landressy Place - image credit John Gilbert Architects Plans have been submitted for a new housing development in the East End of Glasgow that aims to combat dementia, depression and a lack of exercise in the over-55 age group.
Maryhill Housing Association's proposals for the flats - image credit Elder and Cannon Architects Maryhill Housing Association has submitted a planning application for 65 flats.
Modern Housing Apprentice Ethan Cleary Wellhouse Housing Association has demonstrated that while it may be the last month of the Year of Young People it is not too late to help a young person.
An application for planning permission in principle for new private and affordable homes in Kilmacolm has been submitted by Taylor Wimpey West Scotland. The site is adjacent to an established residential area, bounded to the east by Finlaystone Road and to the south by Quarry Road. The housebuilder
The latest draft of the Planning (Scotland) Bill will place up to 88 new duties and responsibilities on planners without the resources required to undertake them, according to figures published today from the Royal Town Planning Institute Scotland (RTPI Scotland). The analysis shows that recent amen
A homeless woman who was provided with accommodation for her and her pet dog by Dunedin Canmore was later sharing the home with a few more tiny residents. Natasha Robins was delighted when Dunedin Canmore gave her and her pet dog a roof over their heads.
Craig McLaren Craig McLaren outlines how RTPI Scotland is influencing the Planning (Scotland) Bill.
Stewart Milne alongside colleagues from AFC and Stewart Milne Group prepare themselves to Sleep in the Park this weekend Scottish businessman Stewart Milne alongside colleagues from Stewart Milne Group and Aberdeen Football Club will join the world’s largest sleep out in support of Social Bite’s
The Scottish Housing Regulator has appointed a manager and seven governing body members to Fairfield Housing Co-operative. The action follows an independent investigation which identified “potential serious misconduct” and “systemic failures of governance amounting to mismanagement”.
Plans by private housing provider Serco to evict hundreds of asylum seekers and refugees in Glasgow were known by senior managers at Glasgow City Council for months, according to reports. The Home Office contractor issued the first in a series of lock-change orders at emergency accommodation through