Plans have been submitted for a block of flats at Dundee’s City Quay which will have an affordable housing element managed by Hillcrest Housing Association. Victoria Dock (Dundee) Ltd (VDDL), which is headed up by various individual developers, wants to build 122 apartments in two separate blocks,
One year after private renters were given new rights, James Mullaney looks at what has improved and what still needs to be done. The new housing legislation was passed following extensive campaigning from Shelter Scotland. Over the years countless people have come to us for help dealing with landlor
A translation team at Trust Housing Association held their first open event for members in Glasgow. Newly appointed ethnic minority Community Champions were presented with certificates to acknowledge their commitment to help raise awareness of Happy to Translate in their respective communities.
East Dunbartonshire Council has announced a consultation on a proposed Local Development Plan. The Local Development Plan 2 (LDP) will set the future use and protection of land in East Dunbartonshire by establishing where new development should be. It covers issues of housing, transport, town centre
Young people whose parents have property wealth are now almost three times as likely to be homeowners by the age of 30, compared to those whose parents have no property wealth, according to a new report. With the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ now considered to be a key lender for first-time buyers, Hous
Ways in which Scotland can successfully harness land value capture to create places where people want to live are being explored by the Scottish Land Commission.
Image credit: Tim Winterburn Efforts to attract and retain young people in the Highlands and Islands may be starting to have a positive effect, according to a new report.
People from Stornoway are to meet the Scottish Parliament’s local government and communities committee to share their experiences of being in fuel poverty. The meeting is a part of the committee’s examination of a new Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill. The Bill sets
Plans to invest more than £150 million to continue the development of affordable housing across Aberdeenshire over the next five years have been agreed. The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) outlines opportunities across the area from 2019-2024.
Paula MacPherson and John McHardy from the council's housing team with Cllr Robertson in one of the new 1 bedroom flats overlooking Academy Street A former Citizens Advice Bureaux office in Inverness has been converted into four 1 bedroom flats for rent from the Highland Council.
Jon Sparkes As the publication of the Scottish Government’s new Action Plan for Ending Homelessness Together was debated in the Scottish Parliament last week and received cross-party backing, Jon Sparkes, Crisis chief executive and chair of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG)
Scottish Apprentice of the Year Caitlin Donald Young people living in Edinburgh and the east can get their career off to a great start thanks to Wheatley Group.
Mary Norris A West Lothian woman is citing military graft and never having to worry about a man as the main ingredients for reaching the magic century mark.
One in four Scottish households will spend Christmas in fuel poverty, according to a new campaign launched today by Scottish Labour. The party will spend the festive season highlighting the issue, with members and activists set to distribute postcards of information which will ask for the public's v
Dr Gareth James summarises the Scottish results from a UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) study into co-producing research priorities from across the UK and draws out some of the issues specific to Scotland. This blog is part of a series on the CaCHE approach to co-producing resear