Glasgow construction and manufacturing group CCG (Scotland) Ltd has reported an excellent financial year with turnover exceeding £144 million – up 6.2% on 2017’s figures. Profit before taxation also significantly increased on the previous year to over £9.1m.
Vital coaching services delivered by national homelessness charity Crisis have received a welcome boost of £1,042,729 from players of People’s Postcode Lottery. The money raised by players of November’s draw will enable Crisis to support 700 homeless people with complex needs to access the char
More landlords who rent out their homes on ‘Airbnb-style’ websites spend their takings on holidays than reinvest their earnings in home improvement projects, according to new research. A study by the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) into the spending patterns of landlords who use short-term h
Scotland’s walking charity has been given £50,000 to help those living with dementia get outdoors and get walking. The funding, which has been secured for two years, will go towards Paths for All’s dementia friendly walking project, Care about Walking, which aims to embed physical activity and
The Scottish Government has pledged to bring forward legislation to restrict the use of unsuitable temporary accommodation for homeless people in the next programme for government. During a debate on homelessness in the Scottish Parliament yesterday, housing minister Kevin Stewart said the governmen
The Scottish Housing Regulator published a summary of the risks it will focus on in its annual risk assessment. Continuing its focus on the delivery of good quality homes and services for all tenants and service users, the Regulator will also ensure that all RSLs and local authorities are well gover
Almost £8 million is to be allocated for the repair of the private sector housing stock and adaptation works for disabled people in Glasgow for the financial year 2018/19. Approved by a Glasgow City Council committee yesterday, the funding from the council's Private Sector Housing Grant (PSHG) prog
(from left) Keith Anderson, chief executive of Port of Leith Housing Association; Ben Macpherson MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith; Kate Campbell, convenor of housing and economy for the City of Edinburgh Council; Kevin Stewart, housing minister; Philip Neaves, chair Persevere Developments and Ga
A number of Dundee not-for-profit organisations with support from the business community have thrown a cracker of a Christmas party for over 100 older people at risk of isolation this Christmas. The party was organised as part of the Helping Older People Engage (HOPE) programme, and involved not-for
Some members of the Ardenglen team with their Sleep in the Park banner A team from Ardenglen Housing Association has signed up to Sleep in the Park.
Three appeals challenging a City of Edinburgh Council policy to take enforcement action when properties are being misused as short term lets have been dismissed by the Scottish Government. The cases all centred around alleged breaches of planning control involving the material change of use of prope
Fergus Ewing More than £1 million has now been awarded this year to support crofters in some of Scotland’s most rural and remote communities to get better housing.
More than 100 tenants, residents, and housing professionals from across Scotland gathered to shape future service delivery at this year’s Joint Tenants and Residents Conference in East Ayrshire. East Ayrshire Tenants Federation and East Ayrshire Council were delighted to welcome more attendees tha
Sean Maxwell (right) with housing minister Kevin Stewart MSP The Empty Homes Service shared by Angus and Dundee councils has won a prestigious national award in recognition of its success at bringing vacant property back into use.
Kevin Guthrie As the Christmas countdown officially begins, Scotland's largest provider of homelessness services is asking the public to remember rough sleepers whilst shopping for gifts.