CIH President Jim Strang has called for all social landlords in Scotland to sign up to the organisation’s campaign to tackle domestic abuse after new figures revealed a slight rise in incidents. New figures released by the Scottish Government show that Police Scotland recorded 59,541 incidents
Grant Campbell Grant Campbell has been appointed as the new Skylight director for Crisis in Edinburgh. Grant has been the chief executive of Glasgow City Mission since 2013 and will take up the position in March 2019.
The average rent for a two bedroom property rose in the past year in all but four areas across Scotland, according to the latest figures from the Scottish Government. Increases ranged from 0.3% in Perth and Kinross to 6.5% in Lothian. The areas that didn't see an increase include Aberdeen and Shire,
TPAS Scotland held its 2018 National Good Practice Awards earlier this month to recognise the passion, acknowledge the dedication and celebrate the achievements of tenants and staff from throughout Scotland. Held in the MacDonald Aviemore Resort, the awards were announced by Still Games’ Isa and T
(from left) back: Joy Watson, Hillcrest tenancy services manager; John Cairney, Fairfield project officer; Alison Mackenzie, community sport hub officer; front: Diaré Drammeh and Fatima Ramzan, both project workers with Dundee International Women’s Centre Three Scottish charities working hard to
RICS Scotland will hold a parliamentary reception early next year as a working group formed to tackle the quality of Scotland’s tenement buildings prepares to publish its first report. Over the last year, the issue of tenement repair and maintenance has been rising up the Scottish parliamentary ag
Work has begun on a landmark development to reinvigorate the heart of Inverness and create new homes and business opportunities. Over the next 16 months, the derelict building at 79 Academy Street, formerly known as Farm Foods, will be demolished and the prime site transformed into a new development
Jamie Hepburn Almost 5,000 people are being supported towards employment through a new employment service that removes the threat of sanctions.
A commission formed to tackle poverty in Edinburgh met for the first time yesterday to define the long-term responses needed to significantly reduce poverty in the city. The City of Edinburgh Council appointed Jim McCormick, associate director for Scotland with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, as ind
More than two thirds of residents in Glasgow, Stirling and Perth want protected space for cycling, according to the UK's most comprehensive assessment of cycling in cities. The Bike Life reports, which are produced by Sustrans in partnership with Glasgow, Stirling and Perth and Kinross councils and
Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling have been selected to lead the Scottish Government’s three-year Housing First Pathfinder programme, Scotland’s inaugural ‘Housing First’ Summit will hear tomorrow. With the aim of ending rough sleeping in Scotland for good, the Housing First
Following the release of a new I-SPHERE report examining temporary accommodation provision in Scotland, Beth Watts picks out some of the key themes from the research. This week, Scottish Government will publish a plan seeking to end homelessness in Scotland. This ambition, announced last year, saw t
Osprey Housing Group has signed up to a UK-wide multi agency pledge to help combat domestic abuse. The Make a Stand campaign has been developed by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) in partnership with Women’s Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance. Its aim is to encourage housing o
Committee convener James Dornan MSP The Scottish Parliament’s local government and communities committee will take evidence from local authorities, housing associations and energy efficiency experts tomorrow as it continues its examination of proposed legislation which sets a new target relating t
Eva Pokorska at her new Fernieflat Neuk home with cllrs Kate Campbell & Ricky Henderson The first tenants have begun moving into new homes being built by the City of Edinburgh Council as part of a project to provide hundreds of affordable flats and houses on seven small brownfield sites across t