(from left with Dolly) Barbara Boertien of Almond HA, Angela Fuggle, head of programme development and training with Beanstalk and Kirsteen Watson, of the Dollywood Foundation Country music legend Dolly Parton has gifted more than a thousand books to the children of West Lothian and is now helping t
Dr Marie Macklin CBE sits on the Vacant and Derelict Land Taskforce The Vacant and Derelict Land Taskforce has started the process of finding 100 sites in Scotland with the best potential for development.
A new Universal Credit portal has been launched which allows registered social landlords and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to quickly and efficiently share information for benefit claims, continues to expand to those in the sector. The Universal Credit Landlord Portal (UCLP) allows soci
Fife-based Campion Homes has built on its year of record growth by reporting another strong year of trading with turnover increasing by 7.4% to £32.6 million and gross margins up by 1%. In total 56 private house sales were legally completed during the year at developments at Hawthornbank, Laurelban
(from left) Craig Walker, service manager (development plan), Douglas Speirs, archaeologist (development plan), Kevin Stewart MSP, minister for local government, housing and planning, and Pam Ewen, chief officer, Fife Council planning Fife Council’s planners were celebrating after the local author
Josh Littlejohn MBE launching last year's sleep out event One of Scotland’s leading philanthropists hopes to harness the Christmas spirit to mobilise Dundonians in the fight against homelessness.
In a week where the Scottish Government prepares to publish its action plan on tackling homelessness, a cross-party group of MSPs has called for the introduction of a seven-day limit for B&B use as temporary accommodation. In a letter to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, the MSPs suggest changing
A national network designed to engage people with first-hand experience of homelessness is being launched today and is inviting projects or individuals to join up. The Scottish Homelessness Involvement & Feedback Team (SHIFT) is free to join and has been developed from a local project that has b
The City of Edinburgh Council breached housing legislation 466 times in the last year by placing homeless families in bed and breakfast (B&B) accommodation for more than the seven-day legal limit, it has been revealed. Current laws dictate that local authorities should only place homeless famili
A property in Perth that was formerly empty Delegates from across Scotland will hear about the range of successful initiatives and projects bringing new momentum to the challenge of turning long-term private empty properties in to homes again.
FyneHEAT project manager Karen Hilton and award winner Craig Baxter Fyne Homes and FyneHEAT were both awarded ‘runner up’ in their respective categories at the TPAS Awards in Aviemore this month.
Thistle Housing Association has been awarded £30,000 by national procurement organisation Fusion21 to support its proposed ‘Go! Social’ project over 12 months. The project was proposed as a result of the Association’s Community Consultation feedback in the summer of this year. Residents had e
A 75-year-old West Lothian man is showing no signs of slowing down in retirement after leaping from great heights in aid of charity. John Thompson, an ex-military piper and formerly of the 1st Royal Highland Fusiliers, took on the ‘Ultimate Abseil’ off the Forth Rail Bridge, raising more than £
A Borders energy supplier with around 290,000 customers has ceased trading after the company was given a £14 million bill by the energy regulator. Spark Energy Supply is part of a gas and electricity firm which employs more than 300 staff at its Selkirk headquarters.
Six months on from the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Daradjeet Jagpal carries out an initial appraisal of four key aspects and provides his thoughts on what lies ahead.