Tenants at a retirement housing development in Midlothian are striving to make their local area a greener place to live. Bield’s Emily Court in Gorebridge has joined forces with ‘Greening Gorebridge’ to help bring the community together and to get locals connecting with their surrounding envir
A fully furnished property at Symington West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) has received a houseful of furniture to distribute to tenants who need it the most.
Lorraine McGrath, Simon Community Scotland and Streetwork CEO, with housing minister Kevin Stewart MSP and British Transport Police officers Homelessness charity Simon Community Scotland and Streetwork launched a hypothermia awareness campaign yesterday with the help of housing minister Kevin Stewar
A new report published by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has found that homeowners get a much bigger slice of UK Government help than social or private renters. Contrary to expectations, an exhaustive analysis of government spending, taxation and regulation of the housing market reaches th
Midlothian Council has approved a strategic investment plan which identifies locations for 2,202 affordable homes to be built in the region over the next five years.
(from left) Councillor Joe Fagan, EKHA chair Graham Keith, Kevin Stewart MSP, Linda Fabiani MSP and EKHA chief executive Andy Young East Kilbride Housing Association has started building new properties for the first time in almost a decade.
The Highland Council is to invest over £4.2 million into carrying out improvements to its housing stock in Caithness. A meeting of the Caithness committee yesterday saw councillors agree a two year Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme that will see £4,204,420 spent on making improvements to C
A charity is calling for action after many households in Scotland were left with huge debts after signing up to a government-backed energy scheme only to be scammed by a rogue company. Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is today calling for the UK Government to help customers who have been let down by H
Creative talents transformed the streets of Leith Quay Community Improvements and Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) have won the Best Practice in Equality and Diversity Award at the Tenant Participation Advisory Service Scotland National Good Practice Awards 2018.
A Paisley tenant who was responsible for serious anti-social behaviour over a prolonged period has been evicted from his home. Link Housing Association pursued the court action following continual complaints from neighbours regarding the tenant’s conduct in and around the vicinity of his home, inc
A group of Fife primary school children donned hard hats and hi-visibility vests to swap the classroom for the building site and learn about construction on one of the region’s new affordable housing projects. The children from the primary 1 class at Saline Primary School visited a £7.8 million a
Cllr Louise Laing Actions to end homelessness and rough sleeping in Moray have been agreed.
Simon Community Scotland staff and volunteers Brian Gallacher and Jamie Hughes A homelessness charity is asking the Scottish public to help its staff and volunteers save lives this winter, by looking out for the symptoms of hypothermia in rough sleepers and people on the street.
Council house tenants and applicants on the housing list are among those being asked for their views on a revised allocations policy for council housing stock in Moray. Earlier this year a draft policy was consulted on, with more than 250 responses informing the revised policy which went before coun
Matt Willcock While the build to rent market in Scotland is still behind the rest of the UK, demand is growing and developments in the sector can cater for everyone, including families, writes Matt Willcock.