City council leader Councillor Susan Aitken with CCG chairman Alastair Wylie and CCG apprentices Leader of Glasgow City Council, Councillor Susan Aitken, visited the city’s Southside to see how work is progressing on a brand new 156 home development in Pollokshaws.
A group of MSPs from the Scottish Parliament’s local government and communities committee met with Dundee residents who struggle to heat their homes. The meeting is a part of the committee’s examination of a new Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill. The Bill sets a new
Housing Mminister Kevin Stewart With just a few days left to apply to be part of the Scottish Housing Regulator Board, housing minister Kevin Stewart talks about why this is an important opportunity.
Council homes delivered in the Arbroath Abbey quarter Angus Council is to invest more than £44 million from its Affordable Housing Supply Programme to build affordable homes in the region.
(clockwise from top left) Drew Moore, (technical services manager, PfH Scotland), Wendy Wilson (neighbourhood housing officer, Scottish Borders Housing Association), Caroline Purcell (SBHA), Jonathan Walker (electrical contract delivery manager, PH Jones), residents Ellen Sanderson and Robert Sander
Waterfront Plaza viewed from the Ocean Terminal car park Work on a residential transformation of long-term disused land at a prominent section of Leith’s waterfront is now underway.
(from left) Iain Watson (housing services manager, CnES), Kenny John Macleod (local member for the An Taobh Siar Agus Nis ward and chair of the communities and housing committee), Dena Macleod (chief executive, HHP), Alasdair Allan MSP (SNP Member of the Scottish Parliament for Na h-Eileanan an Iar)
(from left) Dave Roy – Kingdom HA, Andrew McDaniel - Ore Valley HA, PC Keith McLeod - crime prevention officer, Louise Walker – Kingdom HA, Helen Dickson – Kingdom HA Fife housing professionals have attended a 'drop-in session' organised by Kingdom Housing Association to raise their awareness
Angus Council has approved a new plan which will ensure people who experience homelessness can access housing quickly and with the right level of support. The Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP) is a five-year plan which aims to address homelessness more proactively by focusing on prevention, mov
Mike Dailly Govan Law Centre (GLC) has called for a new resilience strategy to challenge the adverse impact of Universal Credit in Scotland.
Interest free loans are now available to homeowners with a property that has been empty for more than six months, East Ayrshire Council has announced. Scottish Government funding was secured by the council to tackle empty homes in East Ayrshire and bring them back to life. Homeowners can apply to th
The Social Bite Village in Granton is to provide a blueprint for helping to tackle homelessness in major cities across the UK. The development, which provides homes to people while they await permanent accommodation, officially launched in May this year and is already almost at capacity, with 17 hom
The renovation of a former Stonehaven care home is now complete with new residents moving in throughout November. The derelict Eden Manor property has been transformed into five apartments and ten single storey terraced homes which were aimed at buyers over fifty.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has taken the decision to transfer Kincardine Housing Co-operative’s homes to Grampian Housing Association – the first time the Regulator has taken the decision to transfer the assets of an RSL. The move follows a period of statutory intervention by the Regulator w
The Home Office has lodged its full defences with the Court of Session in the legal challenge against a series of lock-change orders issued to tenants refused asylum in the UK. The government department’s contractor Serco had planned to evict more than 300 asylum seekers in Glasgow before being fo