Helen Neill Cunninghame Housing Association has announced with great sadness that Helen Neill, former long serving Board Member peacefully passed away on Wednesday 14th November 2018 at the Ayrshire Hospice.
Westwood House Fife-based housing charity LAR Housing Trust has appointed Clark Contracts for a multi million pound project in Edinburgh.
St Andrew’s High Plans to build 126 homes on the site of a former high school in Clydebank have been given the go ahead.
George Walker The Scottish Housing Regulator has underlined the central place of assurance, openness and transparency in its regulatory framework consultation proposals.
Hillcrest Housing Association has become the latest organisation to sign the UK Armed Forces Covenant – a commitment to support the Armed Forces community wherever and whenever it can. The Dundee-based association joins more than 3000 UK organisations to have now signed the Covenant.
(from left) Mrs Christina Sedgwick, Laurie Dickson with baby Everleigh, Irmina Grabeusz with baby Jovante, Mrs Isobel Maxton, and Sarah Anderson with baby Freya, at the party at Hanover Scotland’s Chandlers Court A very sheltered housing development in Elgin is celebrating after three members of s
Mears Group has agreed to buy Mitie’s social housing repairs and maintenance business for £35 million. The deal will be structured as a sale of the entire issued share capitals of Mitie Property Management Limited and MPS Housing Limited - a newly incorporated subsidiary of Mitie that has acquire
Ian Brennan The financial performance of most registered social landlords (RSLs) remain strong, but major challenges lie ahead to ensure that RSLs are able to fund their future business plans, the Scottish Housing Regulator has said.
Joy Dunlop, managing director at Gowrie Care (left) and Clare McNally, fundraising & grants officer at Hillcrest Group A Dundee-based charitable group has distributed over £700k of funding to set up services and projects that benefit people and communities across Scotland.
To mark HouseMark Scotland’s launch of a new Housing Development Club which aims to provide advice, practical support and networking opportunities, club manager Susan Napier explores the history behind housing development. History tells us that people built their own houses if they were poor and w
A two-year Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme has been agreed that will see over £2 million invested into improving council homes in the Sutherland area over the next two years. The decision by the Highland Council’s Sutherland County Committee will also see a further £134,000 spent speci
Councillor David Bremner Moray Council has issued a no tolerance notice towards unauthorised development in the region after councillors were forced to take enforcement action against homeowners in Cullen and Forres conservation areas.
Work to construct West Dunbartonshire Council’s new high-tech heating system in Clydebank has officially begun. The £15 million project, which is part of the regeneration of the former John Brown Shipyard, will see the area’s homes, businesses and some public buildings heated by water taken fro
Allan Sandilands of Resource Futures (centre) with Brian Jenkins and Pauline Smith from Total Homes A new and innovative furniture reuse cooperative in Glasgow has been recognised by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon for bringing the benefits of reuse and repair to housing associations and social landl
Councillors have given the green light to 60 new homes across two sites across Dundee. Members of Dundee City Council’s planning committee granted full consent for 40 new homes proposed for a brownfield area on Haddington Avenue in the Whitfield area.