The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has partnered with ITN Productions to create a flagship industry news-style programme ‘Close to Home: Housing and Communities’. Presented by national newsreader Natasha Kaplinsky, the programme will explore the issues surrounding the ongoing housi
Holmes Miller has submitted a planning application on behalf of Kelvin Properties for a residential development on vacant ground at Shawlands Bowling Club in Glasgow. The development, located off Pollokshaws Road and bordering a bowling green, offers 34 units for private sale with associated landsca
An application has been lodged to convert a former warehouse in Dundee city centre site into three retail units and 28 flats. The proposals tabled with Dundee City Council by Brechin-based architects A B Roger and Young feature artist’s impressions of a six-storey corner building in Trades Lane be
A new campaign, ‘People, Not Profit’ has been launched in Scotland, backed by Hollywood star Michael Sheen, to highlight the benefits of joining a credit union. A new website – – has been set up to offer advice and help people find the organisations which are not-for-pr
Mark Gutteridge The people of Glasgow are more likely to have switched their electricity and gas to a new supplier than anywhere else in Scotland, according to new research.
Nicola Barclay With the need for more new homes to address the country’s housing crisis top of the political agenda, ensuring high levels of quality and customer satisfaction is a matter of equal importance, according to Homes for Scotland (HFS).
Plans to create a new community in South Ayrshire are now well underway as work to transform a prominent gap site in Ayr gathers pace.
An initiative to take over and upgrade homes in Govanhill then make them available for social rent is on track for its completion in 2021. Of 700 targeted properties in the Property Acquisition & Repair scheme, around half have been inspected and 246 properties have been brought into Govanhill H
Almost 500 staff from across the Link group of social enterprises gathered at Edinburgh’s Corn Exchange last week to attend the organisation’s staff conference. During the ‘Improving Lives’ themed afternoon event, staff enjoyed video updates from across the group, a presentation from Scotlan
Lauren, Mark, Collette & Gillian Milnbank Housing Association was full of praise this week after a number of younger employees gained new qualifications as part of the Association’s emerging leader programme.
Members of DGHP’s ‘Sleep in the Park’ team with some of their supplies ready for the big event: (from left) Rebecca Callander, Johanne Wilson, Lesley Micallef, Daniel Stewart, Anne Davies, Evie Copland and Nicola Nicolson. Not pictured: Emma O’Hare, Kirsty Lund, and Jill McGregor Staff from
Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) is to launch a funding call to provide an opportunity for housing associations to trial fresh ideas with new prototypes and processes for future development programmes. A partnership with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) aims to pr
A decision by the Scottish Parliament's local government and communities committee to introduce statutory chief planning officers in councils has been welcomed by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI). The provision was agreed yesterday during the committee's scrutiny of the Planning (Scotland) B
Graham Simpson MSP New amendments to the Planning (Scotland) Bill regarding performance, councillors and training have been successfully passed by the local government and communities committee.
Scottish Construction Now, our widely-read sister publication, has just celebrated its 15th anniversary by upgrading its website and introducing new features. SCN editor Kieran Findlay explained: "We have introduced a Developments section on the website which includes