Members of DGHP’s ‘Sleep in the Park’ team with some of their supplies ready for the big event: (from left) Rebecca Callander, Johanne Wilson, Lesley Micallef, Daniel Stewart, Anne Davies, Evie Copland and Nicola Nicolson. Not pictured: Emma O’Hare, Kirsty Lund, and Jill McGregor Staff from
Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) is to launch a funding call to provide an opportunity for housing associations to trial fresh ideas with new prototypes and processes for future development programmes. A partnership with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) aims to pr
A decision by the Scottish Parliament's local government and communities committee to introduce statutory chief planning officers in councils has been welcomed by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI). The provision was agreed yesterday during the committee's scrutiny of the Planning (Scotland) B
Graham Simpson MSP New amendments to the Planning (Scotland) Bill regarding performance, councillors and training have been successfully passed by the local government and communities committee.
Scottish Construction Now, our widely-read sister publication, has just celebrated its 15th anniversary by upgrading its website and introducing new features. SCN editor Kieran Findlay explained: "We have introduced a Developments section on the website which includes
Integration authorities, councils and NHS boards need to show a stronger commitment to collaborative working to achieve the real long term benefits of an integrated health and social care system, according to the Accounts Commission. A report for the watchdog and the Auditor General published today
Construction Scotland Innovation Centre's innovation factory A new report from NHBC Foundation highlights how trailblazing developers are exploring the use of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).
Dunbar Primary School pupils and Morgyn Conn and Frazer Lamb mark the beginning of the construction of 50 affordable homes at Hallhill Work will start today on fifty affordable rented homes in Dunbar that will be built without any government subsidy thanks to a unique finance model developed by East
More than 1,000 affordable new homes will be built in Dundee between now and 2021, according to a new report set to be agreed by councillors next week. The figures are revealed in Dundee City Council’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) which also highlights the “good progress” being mad
South Lanarkshire Council has announced that 300 new homes will be built in Cambuslang as part of a £42 million housing-led regeneration project. The development in East Whitlawburn will transform the area and will see 200 new social rented homes and 100 private homes for sale with work expected to
Restondene retirement home in Livingston Retirement housing developments around Scotland have been benefitting from more than £5 million investments made by Bield Housing & Care over the last 12 months.
The Scottish Government has been urged to use its affordable housing budget to help close the gap between availability and need in terms of accessible and readily adaptable housing for older people and disabled people including veterans.
Living Wage Scotland has announced the accreditation of Barrhead Housing Association as a Living Wage employer. The commitment will see everyone working at the Association, regardless of whether they are direct employees or third-party contracted staff, receive a minimum hourly wage of £9.00.
Archie Mackay unveiling a memorial bench to General Stanislaw Maczek A former media adviser to a number of RSLs has been decorated by the Polish Government for raising the profile of one of their most famous war heroes.
Graham Simpson MSP Graham Simpson MSP used his address at the Scottish Association of Landlords’ annual conference and exhibition to highlight issues in Scottish housing market.