CCG Asset Management has completed a kitchen renewals contract for Thenue Housing Association. The planned maintenance division of the CCG Group undertook works to 103 properties in the Cranhill and Blackhill area of Glasgow over a three-month period.
Glasgow-based Arc-Tech (Scotland) Ltd has commenced the installation of mechanical and electrical services on a new assisted living development in East Ayrshire. Located at Cessnock Road, Hurlford, the 14-unit development is being delivered on behalf of CCG (Scotland) Ltd as developer partner for Ea
Another new North Lanarkshire Council housing development has officially opened its doors to tenants. Duchess Court, New Stevenston, is a modern development of two, three and four bedroom homes, and is part of the local authority’s new council house building programme to deliver 5,000 new homes by
The average price of a property in Scotland in September 2018 was £152,961 – an increase of 5.8% on September in the previous year and a decrease of 0.1% when compared to the previous month. The latest publication of the monthly UK HPI shows that this compares to a UK average of £232,554, which
Landlords and tenants in England are to receive faster and more effective justice in the event of property disputes, under proposals unveiled by communities secretary James Brokenshire MP. The UK Government will seek views on a specialist Housing Court which, if created, would provide a single path
Garry McCann, creative director of the Cole AD design agency shares his views. “If we make the website accessible, is it going to be bland and cost a fortune to build?”
Bill Banks Kingdom Group CEO Bill Banks has been appointed as the new chair of Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN).
Grampian Housing Association has won an appeal to build affordable houses on the site of a Victorian school in a Royal Deeside community. The application to build 26 affordable houses at the C-listed Old School site in Ballater was initially rejected amid concerns over a lack of amenities and road s
John Blackwood Scotland’s largest landlord membership organisation has welcomed broad political support for stronger enforcement of rules governing landlords and letting agents operating in the private rented sector to allow a better service for tenants.
A national Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Ready programme is being funded by the Scottish Government’s TEC Programme and hosted by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA). Since 2016, TEC Ready has been working with housing organisations and individuals to support the valuable contri
(from left) Kevin Nixon (area manager), Gillian Robertson, Laura-Anne Hamilton, Samantha King, Geraldine McKenzie, Lisa-Marie Brown, (housing officers), Kim Goode (senior caseworker), Martin Docherty-Hughes MP West Dunbartonshire MP Martin Docherty-Hughes joined housing staff from Bellsmyre and Cord
Bronwyn Wyper, winner of the community award in the Young People’s Outstanding Service to the Community category Helping other young people improve their lives through her own experiences of growing up in care has earned Bronwyn Wyper a top community accolade from Queens Cross Housing Association.
Photograph used by permission of Andrew Davidson Rare photographs from the First World War showing life in a Glasgow barracks have gone on display in Scotland for the first time thanks to Cube Housing Association.
The winners with Castlemilk Parish Church Minister Rev Sarah Brown (fourth left) Ardenglen Housing Association caused a stir this week by winning a great Castlemilk ‘Soup Off’.
The former Kelso High School Members of the public have the opportunity to view plans for the old Kelso High School site this month.