Extra measures to further improve fire safety in Dundee City Council buildings following the Grenfell Tower tragedy have been outlined in a new report. The measures include the installation of new fire and smoke alarms in domestic properties in line with new Scottish Government guidance.
Churches Action for the Homeless (CATH) is holding its third annual Sleep Out in Perth this month to raise awareness of homelessness and raise much needed money for the charity. CATH supports, encourages and promotes the development and delivery of projects to relieve homelessness and poor housing,
(from left) Specifier consultant Ivan Griffiths, specifier consultant Rachel Heyes, specifier sales manager Ian Digby and specifier consultant Ian Thornton LPG provider Calor has strengthened its offering to the rural housing development market with the appointment of two key new specifier consultan
A more supportive policy environment as well as effective management and strong governance have resulted in a “stable” outlook for the creditworthiness of English housing associations, Moody's Public Sector Europe said in a report today. The 1% annual social housing rent cut is entering its fina
An area of land in south Edinburgh has been brought back into use by construction company CCG (Scotland) Ltd. CCG has invested £47,000 to create a brand new car park for the local community in Niddrie Mill. Located at Moffat Drive, the new facility adds capacity to an area where limited car parking
The City of Edinburgh Council’s plan to deliver 20,000 new affordable homes by 2027 faces a funding shortfall of £77 million, new figures have revealed. The local authority’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) for 2019 to 2024, which has been approved by the council’s housing and econom
Bruce Forbes and Graeme Dey MSP MSP for the Angus South Constituency, Graeme Dey, marked Living Wage Week 2018 with fellow living wage employer Angus Housing Association.
Eildon Housing Association has submitted an application to build 69 homes on the outskirts of Galashiels. Working with Collective Architecture, the Association plans to deliver a mix of bungalows, colony-style homes and flats inspired by rural farm steadings just south of Coopersknowe Crescent.
The recipients receive their cheques from HHP Board chair Norman MacLeod The Board of Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) has approved a resolution to donate £1,000 from its surplus to a number of local charities.
Ann Scott Govanhill Housing Association is sad to announce the death of dedicated committee member Ann Scott following a short illness.
Persimmon Homes West Scotland has lodged plans to build 196 new homes on the site of a former hospital. The developer is hoping to secure permission to transform the 17-acre Stonehouse Hospital site with a £25 million development featuring a range of two, three, four and five-bedroom homes.
Work on West Dunbartonshire Council’s new multi-million pound care home in Clydebank has officially begun. The £14 million project – part of the Queens Quay development – will provide accommodation for 84 people, and up to 50 more at a day care centre.
Turbines generate equivalent of 98% of all Scotland’s electricity demand after record October output
The majority of Scotland’s power demand in October was met by renewable energy sources after a record month for wind power output. New figures from WWF Scotland revealed that turbines generated the equivalent of 98% of all Scotland’s electricity demand or enough to power nearly five million home
The appointment of a new director of property services at Shettleston Housing Association (SHA) marks the conclusion of a senior staff restructure which has been taking place at the Association since the start of the year. On November 12, Colette McKenna becomes part of SHA’s new executive managem
The Highland Council remains on track to provide at least 4,500 much-needed affordable homes after members of the environment, development and infrastructure committee approved a new investment plan. The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) for 2019-2024 will see a minimum of 500 units being bui