Proposals to introduce new rights for communities to appeal planning decisions have failed to pass a key stage of the parliamentary legislative process. MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s local government and communities committee voted against a series of amendments to the Scottish Government’s
The first phase of Sanctuary's Donside Village was completed in 2016 Sanctuary Scotland has vowed to resubmit proposals to develop new flats in Aberdeen after taking the decision to withdraw its initial application after an appraisal of the housing market in the city.
Jillian Moffat, chair of the Board, in CCTV control room joined on screen, in real time, by Police Scotland, Community Wardens, customers and RCH staff River Clyde Homes has launched a new 24 hour CCTV monitoring service as part of its ambitious Safe at Home Strategy.
South Ayrshire Council is making good progress when it comes to tackling climate change, helping residents recycle and promoting energy efficient homes. A recent report highlights that the council has helped residents save nearly 18 thousand tonnes of CO2, through 453 properties receiving external w
Jessica Husbands Homelessness is back on the rise - with the number of children in temporary accommodation rising for the fourth year running, writes Shelter Scotland’s Jessica Husbands.
A £635,000 refurbishment project has been completed at Carpenter Court Sheltered Housing in Perth. The works involved the construction of a new glazed sun-room, as well as refurbishments to the communal lounge.
An online ‘toolkit’ for Scottish tenants on how to best navigate the rental system has been launched by Shelter Scotland, with funding from the SafeDeposits Scotland Trust. The Toolkit for Tenants contains a series of guides for Scottish tenants covering deposits and housing costs to repairs, in
Social Bite co-founder Josh Littlejohn and HFS chief executive Nicola Barclay announce a new charity partnership which will see members of the HFS team sleep out in Princes Street Gardens Industry body Homes for Scotland (HFS) has announced its support of the work undertaken to end homelessness thro
Homelessness charity Bethany Christian Trust is giving festive shoppers the opportunity to help save a life this winter by purchasing ethical Christmas trees. Sustainably grown in Scotland, shoppers can buy a Grade One Nordman fir tree, and the funds raised will directly support the charity’s Care
The partnership between ANCHO and Cairn Housing Association has begun in earnest after it received final consent from the Scottish Housing Regulator and the Financial Conduct Authority.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has launched a new plan which sets out its support and promotion of British Sign Language (BSL). Unveiled on October 31, the plan will see the Regulator make its information more accessible to BSL users and have registered BSL/English interpreters available for meeting
Sanctuary's Andrea Campbell and Lindsay Forrest with the CIH Scotland Excellence award Sanctuary’s £60 million transformation of Glasgow’s Anderston has been formally recognised with CIH Scotland’s Excellence In Regeneration award.
Around 100 new council homes are to be built in the Tannahill area of Ferguslie Park after plans were confirmed for a £14 million new build development. Construction of the new homes is expected to start in 2020, with funding from Renfrewshire Council and the Scottish Government.
LAR chief executive Ann Leslie LAR Housing Trust is set to complete another development in Aberdeen, its seventh in the area.
Price protection for 11 million customers on poor value default tariffs will come into force on 1 January 2019, Ofgem has confirmed. Ofgem has set the final level of the price cap, following the regulator’s statutory consultation published on September 6, at £1137 per year for a typical dual fuel