The Highland Council has published updated guidance on financial contributions required from new developments towards new infrastructure and services. The Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance now forms part of the council’s development plan which is used to determine planning application
East Renfrewshire Council has launched an ambitious gas heating replacement programme, which will see over £1 million invested across the area. The programme will install modern heating systems in hundreds of council homes, replacing out-dated electric storage heating and gas-fired boilers with mor
Councillors have deferred a decision on plans to build 121 homes in an Aberdeenshire village amid concerns over local infrastructure. Barratt North Scotland had proposed the development of 109 houses and 12 flats on a site near Park Place in Newtonhill.
Community groups are being invited to bid for up to £5,000 to help transform their local area as part of West Dunbartonshire Council’s Community Budgeting initiative. There has already been significant investment in a broad range of community-led projects across West Dunbartonshire as part of thr
Jeff Fairburn Housebuilder Persimmon has announced the departure of its chief executive Jeff Fairburn amid the long-running controversy over his £75 million bonus package.
The third quarter of 2018 has seen four new clients sign up to HUB Manager to oversee their asset management and SHQS/EESSH compliance process which takes the total number of assets under management to 33,000 and means that over 10% of all Registered Social Landlords in Scotland are now using HUB. â
North Lanarkshire Council has included recently approved additional projects to provide more, modern and affordable new homes for the region’s residents into its next Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) which has now been submitted to the Scottish Government. The SHIP for 2019-20/2023-24 aims
Albyn Housing Society has started work on its first ever affordable housing scheme in Ardgay, Sutherland, as part of its ambitious plan to build 750 affordable homes in the Highlands by 2020. Compass Building and Construction has been appointed as lead contractor at the Drovers Square development, a
The City of Edinburgh Council is to request that the Scottish Government conducts a review into the effectiveness of a rent pressure zone (RPZ) after a report found that the policy is not fit for purpose. Designed to cap any future increase in rent in a local authority area, RPZs became available as
Jim Strang A new presidential team has taken the helm at the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) after the new roles were officially approved at its Annual General Meeting in Glasgow yesterday.
(from left) Raymond Wright (Ogilvie Homes), Joanne Aitken (Kingdom Housing), Sean Whittet (Kingdom Housing), Barry Lees (Fairfield Housing), Garry Gannon (Ogilvie Homes), Michael Connolly (Ogilvie Homes) Kingdom Housing Association is ensuring that its construction projects in Perthshire are creatin
Architecture student Lina Khairy, housing minister Kevin Stewart and j' A communal garden on the former site of Aberdeen’s HMP Craiginches has given local residents a place to sit and ponder.
The search to find the brightest and best innovations to help people with disabilities has been launched by housing and care provider Blackwood. The Blackwood Design Awards are an annual celebration of cutting edge designs and adaptations which help people with disabilities live life independently.
CM2000's Brian Brown with with residents John and Sue Bury A pioneering new technology that’s being used by Loreburn Housing Association to prevent falls in elderly residents has been praised by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.
Ardenglen Housing Association’s hard working ‘Community Committee’ were praised this week after another two massively-successful Autumn events brimming with family fun. First they hosted an Autumn Fun Day timed to offer something for all the family during the October week school holiday.