Geraldine Baird MBE is presented with the Helen McGregor Award by Andrew Robertson EVH’s Annual Conference at the Fairmont in St Andrews was the setting for the ceremony to announce the winner of this year’s Helen McGregor Award.
Four Aberdeenshire communities are the latest to benefit from the local authority’s new-build housing strategy with 50 new homes for rent being completed across the developments. A total of 22 flats and houses at Lyall Terrace, Laurencekirk, were recently handed over to Aberdeenshire Council b
The National Records of Scotland (NRS) could begin to record the number of homeless deaths across the country after it pledged to conduct a review of its policy and practice. Senior figures working to tackle homelessness last month called on the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland to urgently inves
Investors in People assessor Mary Leishman presents the award to Helen MacDonald, head of HR at Blackwood Blackwood Housing and Care has been awarded a gold award for its service by Investors in People.
Housing minister Kevin Stewart with Rebecca and Jacqueline Rezin A former prison site in Aberdeen has been transformed into 124 highly desirable homes for affordable rent.
A new development of Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) townhouses is complete in the centre of Dumfries. This week marked the completion of the works, and keys will be handed over to new tenants in the next few days.
Councillor Peter Barrett Councillors have approved an updated plan to provide additional affordable social housing across Perth & Kinross.
Allan Clow A housing developer is challenging Aberdeenshire Council to repay more than £100,000 in developer obligations it claimed it was charged “erroneously”.
The successful completion of another new housing development delivered for North Lanarkshire Council has been marked with an official opening ceremony in Chapelhall. Provost of North Lanarkshire, Councillor Jean Jones, unveiled the plaque at the site of the former St. Aloysius Primary School, which
A group of Dundee and Angus College construction students recently had the opportunity to see a development in action, with a site visit to Hillcrest’s Eliza Street construction project. The students were from the NPA Award in Construction (Multi-Trade) class, which teaches skills in a range of tr
A groundbreaking Perth & Kinross Council programme to assist homeless households and avoid the use of temporary accommodation is going from strength to strength, councillors have been told. Home First was introduced in 2017 and aims to assist as many homeless households as possible to move strai
Cadder Housing Association proudly hosted its second Community Champion event to recognise and celebrate the achievements of a number of its residents, all of whom have helped to make Cadder better in their different ways. The awards were made in Cadder Community Centre, with a celebration tea being
Over the next couple of months South Lanarkshire Council tenants will be able to give their views on the level of rent proposed for 2019/20. A series of local meetings are scheduled to take place during November. The focus of these meetings will consider the proposed rent increase for 2019-20 as wel
A three-sector partnership delivering house clearances for housing associations in Glasgow is to receive a share of more than £700,000 to help the business transition to a circular economy. Total Homes Co-operative, which ensures that household appliances, furniture and other goods are re-used, has
Almost half of those in receipt of Universal Credit in Scotland have chosen for their payments to be paid in a different way when offered the choice by the Scottish Government. While Universal Credit is reserved to the UK Government, Scottish Ministers have used devolved powers in this area to enabl