Today marks the launch of the annual Social Media Santa campaign, giving people the chance to send a gift to a child who is homeless this Christmas. Now in its seventh year, the campaign run by housing and homelessness charity Shelter Scotland has ensured the hundreds of presents donated every Chris
Dargavel Village A 2,400 acre site just a few miles outside of Glasgow is to be developed to provide thousands of new homes following major clearing works by Scottish Water Horizons.
Resident Mikael Dobbie and Kevin Stewart MSP Housing minister Kevin Stewart visited Sanctuary Scotland tenants in Glasgow to hear how they had settled into their new homes.
Blackwood director Angela Currie An innovative project that uses transformative new technology is being hailed as a landmark moment in the care of disabled people who want to continue to live independent lives.
Staff were treated to a talk by Safety Camera Scotland Staff from across Hillcrest Group gathered at its Dundee HQ last week to take part in a number of health and safety themed activities.
Blairtummock Housing Association has installed a Community Access Defibrillator outside its Easterhouse office. The equipment is available to anyone who needs it in an emergency.
(from left) Iona Summerton, Gowrie Care project worker; Stewart MacKay, Gowrie Care client; Douglas Knight, Gowrie Care client; Terri Coutts, Gowrie Care client; Amy Browne, Lead Scotland learning coordinator; Janet McBean, Gowrie Care client and Niamh Kelly, Gowrie Care project worker Five Dundonia
As part of its commitment to ‘Giving Something Back’ to tenants and local communities, Fife Housing Group launched a ‘Give a kid a coat’ campaign at the beginning of September. The simple concept, where pre-loved coats and jackets are donated and then distributed to help keep less fortunate
(from left) Jim McFarlane, Paul Bristow, Liz Bowden, Eleanor Robertson, Isobel McCarney and Adam Wallace The official launch of two new creative works took place at the Beacon Arts Centre in Greenock this week.
Pupils from Strone Primary School receive a cheque for £1,000 for their outdoors project from ACHA Board member, Bruce Marshall, and chief executive, Alastair MacGregor A panel made up of staff from Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) and Argyll and Bute Council has completed an evaluation
Shirley-Anne Somerville A total of 306,305 low income households in Scotland have been helped to pay for essential items such as food and heating through emergency grant funding since 2013.
Kevin Stewart MSP Housing minister Kevin Stewart blogs about rights of appeal in planning, ahead of Stage 2 of the Planning Bill today.
Terrie Alafat A new project to explore how social housing is being allocated across England is being launched by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH).
Photo via Euan Rutter Art, Design and Tattoo A homeless art student has installed a sculpture in Dundee's West End to raise awareness about homelessness.