Photo courtesy of James Paul Associates Proposals for a £3.5 million renovation of one of Dundee's historic jute mills has been approved by councillors.
Where new homes and businesses can be built and how further town centre regeneration can take place are just two of the questions the Borders public are being asked as part of an upcoming Scottish Borders Council (SBC) consultation. As part of the development of a new Local Development Plan in 2021,
Nicola Barclay Homes for Scotland has called on the Scottish Government to follow the UK government's lead in investing in housing infrastructure.
The embattled Universal Credit system still needs "fundamental reform" in spite of funding concessions by Chancellor Philip Hammond in yesterday's Budget, charities have said. Mr Hammond yesterday announced "additional measures worth £1 billion over five years" to support the transition to Universa
Cllr Kate Campbell A regeneration project at Granton Waterfront will take a step forward next month when the City of Edinburgh Council will begin an intensive six month period of public engagement into plans to deliver a vibrant, well connected, new city quarter.
Almond Housing Association invited community engagement officer Barbara Boertien to officially reopen the Riverside Community Wing after its £20,000 renovation.
West Lothian Council has confirmed the completion of more than 100 homes at Kirkhill in Broxburn, one of the largest council housing sites in Scotland.
Jon Turner Link Group has named Jon Turner as its new chief executive officer with effect from January 2019.
Scottish Ministers are recruiting two new members to the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Board to replace members whose terms will end in March 2019. George Walker, chair of the Scottish Housing Regulator, said: “This is an excellent opportunity to influence the shape of social housing regulation.
Sally Thomas The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said that a House of Commons committee’s report into the “unacceptable” hardship caused by Universal Credit echoes many of its own concerns with the policy.
Members of Angus Housing Association with DJ Laing Homes managing director, Karen Nicoll Angus Housing Association and DJ Laing Homes marked the latest stage in their partnership building new homes for rent when they handed over the keys to a new 3 bedroom home in Carnoustie to a delighted new tenan
Susan Napier People can look forward to benefitting from high quality housing and care services provided by Bield for long into the future, according to its chair.
An Edinburgh man details how a Winter Care Shelter, run by homelessness charity Bethany Christian Trust, helped him break out the cycle of homelessness and saved his life from last year’s winter weather.
Getting into the spirit of the event are Unite union student accommodation officers (clockwise from bottom) Libby Stephenson, Kerry Watson, Jennifer Finley and Sophie Bayliss One hundred supporters of homelessness charity the Rock Trust slept out in Edinburgh’s St Andrew Square Gardens with nothin
Rodney Whyte By Rodney Whyte, partner and property and planning specialist at law firm Pinsent Masons