East Ayrshire Council has announced the fourth annual private landlord conference to be held on Saturday, 10 November at St Joseph's Academy in Kilmarnock. The conference, which will be hosted by the East Ayrshire Private Sector Housing Unit in conjunction with North and South Ayrshire councils, wil
Eric Cantona (left) with Street Soccer founder and CEO David Duke Football legend and actor Eric Cantona provided his support and inspiration to socially disadvantaged adults and young people across Scotland as the VIP guest at a major fundraising event in Glasgow.
Allyson Allison with an earlier award A Stirling Council worker is in the running for two prestigious accolades for her efforts in bringing empty homes back into use.
Amy Norton Amy Norton argues that promoting more Build to Rent developments for the mid-market rent sector would be an effective means of striking a balance to get investment so more properties are built to help contribute towards the Scottish Government’s affordable housing pledge.
(from left) Tom Young, HMS operations manager; Ross Grant, HMS joiner; Jackson Couper, HMS joiner and Bob Jack, HMS operations manager Two young apprentices have secured full time employment with Hillcrest Maintenance Services (HMS) after completing modern apprenticeships.
Foodbank provider Trussell Trust has issued a stark warning to MSPs that Universal Credit could drive in-work poverty and foodbank use. In a written submission to the Scottish Parliament’s social security committee, the charity said that its analysis showed “an increase in demand for foodbanks i
Sean Tompkins RICS chief executive, Sean Tompkins, and incoming RICS president, Chris Brooke FRICS, will take part in Social Bite’s Sleep in the Park as part of RICS’ Pledge 150 campaign.
Dorry McLaughlin marking the 70th anniversary of Viewpoint Viewpoint Housing Association CEO Dorry McLaughlin is to step down after eight years in the role.
Social landlords must take immediate action to ensure their sites and pitches meet the minimum site standards set by the Scottish Government, a new Scottish Housing Regulator report has found. The report on social landlords’ progress towards the Scottish Government’s minimum site standards shows
Fife Housing Group has successfully achieved the prestigious Investors in People (IIP) Gold Accreditation. For nearly 30 years IIP has been acknowledged internationally as a leading people accreditation and this award represents a true commitment to employees’ training and development.
Fife Council’s ambitious Affordable Housing Programme is making progress with the start of construction of new very sheltered accommodation in Glenrothes. Located on Napier Road at the site of the Napier House Care Home, all 31 flats will be brand new council housing and form part of a care villag
Kevin Cordell Tenants renting a council house in Dundee could see an increase of around £3 a week if councillors back a consultation on the options.
A partnership between Partick Housing Association and Annexe Communities has been successful in securing a grant of £20,000 from the Scottish Government’s Community Choices Fund. The Fund saw sixteen successful community organisations from across Scotland secure a share of £750,000 to deliver lo
The Virtual Dementia Tour Bus returned to Viewpoint this October. Back in 2016, Viewpoint was the first employer in Scotland to have the national touring bus visit for staff training, as well as offering members of the public at Cameron Toll shopping centre the opportunity to learn more about dement
Growth among Scotland’s small construction firms slowed in the third quarter of this year with materials prices and labour shortages continuing to squeeze margins. The latest quarterly State of Trade Survey from the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) found that the pace of growth among Scotlandâ€