David Knight Housebuilder Avant Homes has been granted planning permission to build 197 new homes for a £52.6 million development in Hamilton.
A Fife-based site manager has achieved a Seal of Excellence award for his contribution to providing high-quality housing at Miller Homes’ Regents Gate development in Crossgates. Calum Punton was one of 17 site managers collecting the highly coveted accolade at The Hilton Hotel in Glasgow.
Chief executive Glenn Adcook welcoming Ellis Masson to the organisation Osprey Housing has shown its commitment to providing career opportunities for young people by taking on its first modern apprentice.
Five million homes across the UK are to benefit from full fibre broadband thanks to a £2.5 billion investment programme announced by fibre optic telecoms firm CityFibre. CityFibre’s fibre-to-the-home builds are currently underway in Aberdeen, Milton Keynes and Peterborough, with construction due
The proportion of homes in the UK bought with cash fell to 29.6% in the first half of 2018, according to estate agents Hamptons International, the lowest level since the company’s records began. Hamptons International’s records started in H1 2007 when 33.6% of homes were purchased with cash and
Helen Moore At the same time as demands on rental income grow, external scrutiny of rents and rent increases is growing too, according to the Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF).
Court of Session Assuming a person is intentionally homeless because they were evicted for rent arrears is lawfully wrong, the Court of Session has ruled.
The Trump Organisation will have to pay £5 million towards affordable housing should plans to build luxury housing near the US president’s Aberdeenshire golf course gain planning approval, according to reports. Plans to build 550 new homes on a site within the Trump International Golf Links estat
A furniture company with premises in West Lothian and Glasgow has ceased trading. Administrators from KPMG were called in after First Furnishings Ltd (FFL) incurred substantial losses.
Kevin Stewart Planning minister Kevin Stewart blogs about the Planning (Scotland) Bill and what’s next for Stage 2 consideration.
An influential group of MPs has urged the UK Government to scrap new Universal Credit rules which they claim make it harder for victims of domestic violence to leave abusive relationships. The home affairs select committee said single household payments under Universal Credit are a "retrograde and b
Melissa Kirby, a new resident at Raining’s Close, Inverness Eleven new homes across two developments have been completed by the Highland Housing Alliance with a further 10 homes due for completion at the end of October.
Construction and residential development businesses Cruden Group has enjoyed its nineteenth consecutive year of profitable trading, though a fall in house sales has resulted in a dip in turnover and profits. Audited results for up to 31 March 2018 revealed that the group generated a turnover of £18
Construction and manufacturing company CCG (Scotland) Ltd has welcomed 35 new members to its off-site manufacturing business in response to growing demand for its energy efficient timber systems. Located in Cambuslang, CCG OSM’s manufacturing facility produces enhanced panel timber frame systems f
Mobile home residents in England are to receive greater protection from dishonest site owners seeking to make a profit at their expense. Housing minister Heather Wheeler MP confirmed new steps to give local authorities tougher powers to tackle rogue operators in their areas, ranging from fines to ou