Victoria Smith Landlords in Peterhead can sign-up for free training into managing tenancy deposits and disputes following higher-than-average rent arrears claims.
David Thomas Housebuilder Barratt Developments said it has started the new financial year in a strong position as it declared conditions remained solid with strong buyer demand.
Demand for advice regarding rent arrears in Scotland has increased by 47% over the last five years, new evidence has revealed. A report published today by Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS), which considers the causes and consequences of this rise, finds that changes to the social security system have b
CCG (Scotland) Ltd has been on site with Linthouse Housing Association since January 2018 where a suite of upgrades to existing housing stock has been undertaken across two contracts including stock improvement and fabric repairs. The first contract to have been completed is the stock improvement to
Govanhill is set to benefit from additional funding for youth work after the area was named Glasgow’s 10th ‘Thriving Place’, with Govanhill Housing Association with set to play a key role. Local organisations will be able to bid for money to deliver youth engagement work in the Govanhill area.
Staff at Berwickshire Housing Association’s Duns office held a ‘Big Pink Event’ to raise money for Breast Cancer Care. The successful event raised over £1000 with staff raising the money by entering a Big Pink Bake-Off competition, various raffles and a ‘Guess the name of the Pink Pug’.
North Lanarkshire Council has announced a series of 'Housing Matters' events, where participants will have the opportunity to find out about the latest developments within the service and the delivery of future services. Two events have been confirmed: South session, Saturday 3 November at Gartlea C
Workloads in the Scottish construction sector continue to rise amid financial constraints and Brexit uncertainties, assisted largely by the buoyant housing sector, surveyors have reported. Results of the Q3 2018 UK Construction and Infrastructure Market Survey from the Royal Institution of Chartered
Laura Reilly An income advice officer who joined Wellhouse Housing Association earlier this year has well and truly hit the ground running offering much needed services to the Association’s communities.
James Brokenshire The UK Government has released funding to remove and replace unsafe cladding on high-rise homes in England owned by social landlords.
Almost seven in ten Scots living in rural areas support the use of onshore wind energy, a new poll has found. The independent survey is the first to focus specifically on what people living outside urban areas think of renewable energy developments.
Founder of Locavore Reuben Chesters with Darrin Nightingale, chief customer officer, Social Investment Scotland Responsible finance provider Social Investment Scotland (SIS) has reached a significant milestone by lending to Locavore, marking its 300th investment in Scottish social enterprises.
Sally Thomas Increased funding will not fix the fundamental problems of Universal Credit delivery as the processes need to be fit for purpose as much as policy, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said.
More than 1,000 new affordable homes across the Scottish Borders could be delivered over the next five year period, according to a newly approved plan.
A district heating network is set to service a new housing development in Edinburgh. Located on Greendykes Road, Craigmillar, the development is being constructed on behalf of the City of Edinburgh Council comprising 75 affordable homes and is set to be complete in early 2019.