Scottish Borders Council has agreed to provide financial assistance to Waverley Housing to enable a large scale regeneration of Upper Langlee in Galashiels. The estimated £21.5 million housing-led project, which focuses on Beech Avenue, Hawthorn Road, Larch Grove and Laurel Grove, will see 115 new
Eildon Housing Association has been awarded up to £1.8 million to enable the development of 39 extra care homes in Galashiels after its projected bill was increased by the discovery of asbestos on the site. Eildon Housing is currently seeking planning consent for the new development at Langhaugh, h
(from left) Ewan Sinclair of WorkingRite and the Langstane social justice team: Susan Penley, Monica Aires and Billy Gilles (David Campbell not pictured) Staff from Langstane Housing Association’s social justice team, together with a like-minded colleague from WorkingRite, will join 12,000 other p
The number of winter deaths between December 2017 and March 2018 was the highest in Scotland for 18 years, according to new statistics. Figures released by National Records of Scotland (NRS) show that a total of 23,137 deaths were registered across Scotland from December 2017 to March 2018, (winter
The average price of a property in Scotland reached £153,309 in August 2018 – an increase of 4.1% on the previous year and an increase of 0.3% when compared to the previous month. The latest publication of the monthly UK House Price Index shows that the volume of residential sales in Scotland in
Energy Saving Trust is launching a new grant fund called Plugged-in Households. Not-for-profit housing associations and co-operatives in Scotland can apply for grant funding to procure the services of a zero emission car club, for use by their tenants, themselves and the wider local community. A car
Debbie Collins Investment in technology has far wider benefits for care providers than purely financial sustainability, providing the industry keeps pace, writes Debbie Collins.
Homes in Gorebridge, Midlothian, were demolished last year after elevated carbon dioxide levels were found A research project has been commissioned by the Scottish Government to investigate the prevalence of carbon dioxide in disused mineral mines in Scotland and the potential implications for new r
Andrew Whitley and Scott Callender from Scotland the Bread alongside Midlothian Community Hospital Garden volunteers Jane Gale and Ian Gilchrist. Image credit Cyrenians Edinburgh-based homelessness charity Cyrenians hosted a number of local growers at its threshing event at Midlothian Community Hosp
Glasgow councillor Kenny McLean and Scottish Canals CEO Catherine Topley The widespread regeneration of North Glasgow is set to continue with a 600-strong housing development now underway on the former Diageo distillery site in Port Dundas.
A typical home by Taylor Wimpey Property developer Taylor Wimpey East Scotland has secured planning permission for more than 100 new homes in East Lothian.
ACHA’s Board of management following the AGM Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) held its twelfth Annual General Meeting in Inveraray last month which saw the appointment of the Board of management.
Link Housing has been accredited to provide advice relating to welfare benefits and money and debt by the Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers (SNSIAP). Owned by the Scottish Government, SNSIAP is designed to encourage not-for-profit agencies to adopt a culture of continu
CCG (Scotland) Ltd has completed Phases 4 & 5 of the multi-award winning Anderston Regeneration Masterplan, a landmark housing project in Glasgow. Delivered on behalf of Sanctuary Scotland and supported by funding from the Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council, the new development revital
A Hamilton developer has thanked the South Ayrshire community for their valuable input and contributions at a recent consultation event. More than 70 people attended Banks Property’s event at Symington Community Hall earlier this month to discuss the developer’s initial plans to bring around 120