Glasgow Libraries has been recognised with a prestigious Libraries Change Lives Award for its inspirational work supporting people experiencing homelessness in Glasgow. The award, presented by co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Libraries, Lord Graham Tope CBE at a ceremony in London d
The Church of Scotland has been awarded £130,000 in EU funding as part of an ambitious project to support refugee integration in Scotland. Through the multi-faith network, Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees (SFAR), and with partners the Scottish Refugee Council, WEA Scotland, The Bridges Programme
A call has gone out to local organisations encouraging them to put forward their proposals for part of the promised funding from the UK Government as part of the City Region Deal in Clackmannanshire. The appeal was launched at the first formal meeting of the Clackmannanshire Commission.
The UK government has come under increased pressure to immediately halt the roll-out of Universal Credit after new reports revealed that struggling homeowners, working single parents and disabled people will be the hardest hit under the new benefits system unless urgent action is taken in the next b
Scottish councils spent £625 million on the day-to-day management and maintenance of council housing and £275m on loan charges in 2017-18, new statistics have revealed. Figures published by Scotland's Chief Statistician show that local authorities also invested £690m in capital housing projects i
Health experts from across the UK have called for Commissioners for Ageing to be introduced in England and Scotland to help place housing at the heart of service integration for older people. A new report led by researchers at the Universities of Dundee, Heriot-Watt and Stirling has found that the U
The Scottish Liberal Democrats have called for throughcare support to be expanded after it was revealed that thousands of people leaving prison have nowhere to live and are having to register with councils as homeless. Freedom of information requests by the party revealed that local authorities rece
Collective Architecture has submitted planning for the redevelopment of the former Lockerbie Academy site to provide 45 new affordable houses on behalf of Cunninghame Housing Association. Forming a key gateway to the town of Lockerbie, the proposals for the brownfield site consists of a mix of semi-
Seven new committee members have been elected at a well-attended AGM held by Shettleston Housing Association (SHA). Chairperson Gillian Johnstone delivered a report on a successful year’s work before handing over to CEO Tony Teasdale, attending his first AGM since joining the Association last Octo
Council leader Lawrence Fitzpatrick West Lothian Council is looking to identify a further £5.2 million of savings over the next four years.
Glasgow’s Depute Lord Provost Bailie Philip Braat cuts the ribbon with Whiteinch & Scotsoun Housing Association chief exective Ian Morrison at 64 Curle Street Glasgow’s Depute Lord Provost, Bailie Philip Braat, has opened new premises for a new local social enterprise company set up by White
The David Stow Building at Jordanhill Park CALA Homes (West) has completed the purchase of the former Jordanhill Campus where the housebuilder is set to create more than 400 homes.
Angus Council has issued a call for entries as it launched a region-wide search to find the Building of the Decade in its Angus Design Awards 2018. The council wants to hear from building owners and designers about new developments, restoration or conversion work that has been completed between 2008
Building more co-living developments and micro-homes in urban areas top the list of people’s preferred solutions to the housing crisis according to new research by the Federation of Master Builders (FMB), while building on the greenbelt is the least favoured solution. The FMB asked 2,000 home owne
Ian Brennan The Scottish Housing Regulator has ended its statutory intervention at Antonine Housing Association following its transfer to Caledonia Housing Association.