A new report has highlighted the use of expensive electric heating among low income households and the difficulty many have accessing support to switch to cheaper fuel sources. Research by Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) found that as many as 11% of Scottish households are using electric heating, whi
Scottish novelist Ian Rankin will today be joined by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in supporting a scheme that sees books being distributed to people who are rough sleeping in Edinburgh. The Inspector Rebus creator is backing an initiative adopted by local homelessness charity Streetwork which incl
House prices in Scotland have continued to rise though affordability constraints, a lack of stock, economic uncertainty and interest rate rises appear to be holding back activity, surveyors have suggested. The latest Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) UK Residential Market Survey for Se
Margaret Vass, chairperson at Rural Stirling Housing Association, presents Board member David Frood with a long service award on his retiral Rural Stirling Housing Association’s longest standing Board member David Frood has announced his retirement after 29 years’ service.
Plans to deliver more modern, higher quality properties for Angus Council tenants in the Timmergreens area of Arbroath are moving forward, the local authority has said. Council tenants and residents in Timmergreens were consulted on proposals to improve the environment and quality of life in the are
A proposal to transform the site of the former headquarters of East Dunbartonshire Council into social housing is one step closer. The proposed plan for the Kirktintilloch site is for 98 affordable homes including a mixture of one, two and three bed flats, two bed cottage flats, of which four are wh
Muir Homes is expanding its presence in the central belt with the acquisition of a major new development site at Garnqueen Farm, near the village of Glenboig in North Lanarkshire. The 16-acre site, which is within the Gartcosh and Glenboig Community Growth Area, already has full planning permission
The proposed merger between SSE Retail (SSE) and Npower has been approved from the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) following a thorough review. The UK's competition watchdog said it had given final clearance to the deal after concluding households would still have "plenty of choice" on stand
George Walker The Scottish Housing Regulator is considering the introduction of Annual Assurance Statements for local authorities and RSLs as it consults on proposals for how it regulates social housing in Scotland.
Vulnerable people with complex needs who need help to get into settled accommodation are to be supported by funding of up to £6.5 million, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced. Along with homeless charity Social Bite, local authorities, third sector and housing providers the Scottish Govern
Derek Mackay Finance and economy secretary Derek Mackay has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to outline the Scottish Government’s “deep concerns” about the impact UK welfare reforms are having on the people of Scotland.
A social investment scheme has launched a new loan stock offer designed to raise emergency funds to combat the UK’s escalating homelessness problem by providing emergency accommodation to those in urgent need. Equfund has set out to raise up to £5 million from the British public with its ‘Sanct
Committee convener Gillian Martin MSP Scotland’s budget for the environment has been declining over many years and the long-term impact of this is concerning, according to a committee of MSPs.
Councillor Douglas Reid with neighbourhood manager Sandra Lavan East Ayrshire Council and strategic partners CCG (Scotland) Ltd were double winners at the inaugural Scottish Procurement Alliance awards.
(from left) Lyanne Leslie, Joy Henderson, Karen Johnson, Laura Sharkey, Yvonne Kinnear, Linda Forrester, Catherine Mather and Sharon Hazlett A group of walkers from ng homes took part in the Shining Walk in aid of Cancer Research UK last month.