Homelessness charity Bethany Christian Trust has today launched its Stop for Soup campaign to mark World Homelessness Day at a popular Edinburgh café. This particular campaign is in its sixth year, and asks supporters to hold a soup lunch with the aim of raising vital funds for Bethany’s emergenc
(from left) Kevin Scott, Eildon Housing Association; Gill Henry, Hart Builders; Alison Lowrie, community benefits project officer; presenter Mark Beaumont and David Robinson Eildon Housing Association Eildon Housing Association in partnership with Hart Builders have been recognised at the first ever
A planning application for 68 homes at Dunbar has been given the green light by East Lothian Council. Councillors on the local authority’s planning committee heard that the site south of Dunbar’s Brodie Road had previously been earmarked for a hotel, but this had been provided elsewhere in the t
Senior figures working to tackle homelessness are calling on the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland to urgently investigate the deaths of those who are homeless after new research revealed at least 94 men and women have died while homeless in Scotland in the last 12 months. New data released by in
Scotland will play a leading role in a new global programme to end street homelessness by 2030 involving diverse countries around the world and ultimately including 150 cities, a conference will hear today. The ‘A Place to Call Home’ initiative is led by the Institute of Global Homelessness, cha
Work on a major new housing development at Craigmillar town centre for the City of Edinburgh Council is now underway. The new homes, which will be complete by 2020, will be spread across a series of 14 blocks. Residents will have access to amenity areas and a large public green space will be at the
Kingdom Housing Association’s June McCormack (left) along with new tenant Ashleigh Letham and her children Kingdom Housing Association has welcomed tenants and their families to its Fraser Avenue open day to see firsthand progress being made with the Inverkeithing regeneration project.
Sheltered housing tenants in Edinburgh have today launched their intention to monitor performance in council sheltered housing services every three months. Following a survey of 141 tenants across the city, sheltered housing tenants have set indicators about how they want services to improve and wan
Resident Babs Jackson with her new friend A Maryhill Housing retirement housing development played host to a visit from miniature Shetland ponies and Newfoundland dogs this week.
East Lothian Council can now proceed with providing land for more than 10,000 new homes after the East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (ELLDP 2018) was approved by the Scottish Government. The ELLDP 2018 will be used by the council to help determine all planning applications which are put forwar
Development site 12 at Dundee Waterfront Plans have been unveiled for the latest mixed-use development planned for a site within Dundee’s £1 billion Waterfront regeneration project.
(from left) Neil Jefferson (NHBC chief operating officer); Stuart Gillespie; Garry Henderson; Ian Welsh and Malcolm MacLeod (NHBC director Scotland) Three house building site managers were crowned winners in the Scotland finals of the NHBC Pride in the Job Awards 2018 at a ceremony held at The Hilto
SHARE's new learning and development brochures have just been launched. New courses have been added ensuring there are lots of topical sessions for staff and Committee/Board members.
Peter Russian and Bonnie Clarke Peter Russian is to leave his role as chief executive of Remarkable after more than 15 years.
(from left) Karen Shaw (business development manager at CCG), John Kerr (West Dunbartonshire Council’s housing development and homeless manager), Cllr Diane Docherty, convener of housing and communities, Calum Murray (director at CCG), and Cllr Caroline McAllister, vice convener of housing and com