Glenn Campbell cuts the opening ribbon for Sealladh Loch Na Dala between two Islay whisky barrels with Kaylagh, granddaughter of new tenant Mrs Keogh Argyll Community Housing Association’s (ACHA) 350th new home was officially opened on Islay by BBC Scotland personality Glenn Campbell.
Another successful year has been marked at Shire Housing Association with chairperson Janet Allan highlighting a number of new achievements at the Annual General Meeting. In her address to the meeting, Janet Allan outlined the continued transformation of the Association in meeting its business visio
James Kingsman in his new flat in Glasgow Fifty-four long term homeless people in Glasgow have been handed the keys to "a whole new life" thanks to a Housing First approach to addressing homelessness.
CIH Scotland's policy and practice manager Ashley Campbell takes a look at the role of housing in helping to address poverty for Challenge Poverty Week last week.
West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) has released a new video highlighting key performance findings from its Scottish Social Housing Charter and Annual Report 2017/18. The report provides an overview of how WSHA performs in relation to key service indicators given by the Scottish Housing Regu
Cloch and Tuntum staff with Scott Drever of SDM Cloch Housing Association welcomed Tuntum Housing Association from Nottingham for the day to learn about how the Association uses its SDM housing software to the best advantage.
(from left) Cllr Tweed, James McGrory, Cllr Martin Earl, John McIntyre (A.C Whyte site manager), and Jennifer Phin (managing director of A.C Whyte) A joint initiative between Stirling Council and the Scottish Government has helped increase the heat for more than 1,000 homes across the area.
Shetland Islands Council has called on landowners to propose sites that may be suitable for future development. The Scottish Government requires local authorities to identify sufficient land for future housing, business and industry needs. The 'Call for Sites' process is being used to help the counc
Kimberley Davidson, Debbie King and Lisa Glass are among the staff appearing as volunteer models in the Shelter Scotland fashion show Fifty years of clothing trends from the 60s until present day will light up the catwalk at a spectacular fashion show organised by Shelter Scotland’s Edinburgh shop
The Isle of Kerrera Development Trust has been awarded £119,167 from the Scottish Land Fund which will enable them to buy the island’s former school from Argyll and Bute Council and turn it into a much-needed community hub, as well as employ a part time project worker for a year. The Isle of Kerr
Neil Clapperton, Peter Kennedy and Craig Stirrat of Grampian Housing Association recieving the Eco Hero Award from sponsor Terri Vogt, project manager, Circular North East Grampian Housing Association is celebrating its win of the Eco Hero award in the Northern Star Business Awards in recognition of
ng homes trainees (from left) Robyn Somerville, Alan Nicolson and Lucy Brown with their certificates Three ng homes housing trainees recently achieved their Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Level 2 Certificate in Housing Practice.
River Clyde Homes is presented with the commendation by Craig McLaren, director of Scotland and Ireland, Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and Board member, Scotland’s Towns Partnership River Clyde Homes has received a commendation at the Herald Property Awards’ Best Regeneration Project cate
Brunton Design has been appointed by The Sanday Development Trust to prepare sheltered accommodation proposals for seven sites on Orkney. It is anticipated that the developments will comprise a variety of sizes of accommodation with users with diverse needs, with the first showing a series of 1, 2 a
Jessica Husbands To mark Challenge Poverty Week, Jessica Husbands look at three ways in which poverty in Scotland can be addressed in a meaningful way.